What does money represent to YOU ?

by new hope and happiness 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Legacy


    Money is good for comforts of life. It will not allow you to live longer, (you may have the best healthcare) but that doesn't mean anything...Didn't the head of Apple computers die...& he was rich. Folks that make alot of money spend most of it in the shrinks office, wondering .....I have all this money & I'm not happy. Money doesn't make one happy....The media shows us that all the time. Money for me provides the comforts of life. I have an elderly mother, she is comfy financially, but she is still getting older & her health is good. Yet, she is still aging, just like all of us. Now don't get me wrong, it's nothing wrong with being rich, but somehow it leaves no challenges in life. The average person struggles when it comes to money. To the average Joe, being able to go on a vacation every once in a while is fortunate...but the rich person can go anywhere they want at any time they want...I think some rich folks are just plain bored...how many cars can you drive, etc. I like going to the bank & taking out money, or charging something & I can pay for it. I try not to let money rule me...but I won't deny it's nice to have. So all that to say...Money represents a way to have creature comforts...Witnesses have more money than most because they/we don't celebrate holidays & such, but most of them still belly-ache about spending a single dollar.


  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Legacy you got it. I also think being rich makes a person feel better than those that dont have it. Thats my personal shame. Anyway i wish i could play the piano or guitar and i think Legacy you seem very rich inside your heart. I mean health is good and taken for granted often until its to late. And i noticed ( just my personal exsperience)on occassion women notice money not me, and i noticed " beauty" not the woman.

    But for all young witness lurkers reading i say get your foot on the property ladder, find something to love that LOVES you back..and dont waste anymore time on " saving the world"

  • Legacy

    New Hope & Happiness,

    I have what money can't buy...JOY...& that's not up for grabs. I'm a witness & compared to most I'm pretty normal. I like people, I am social, I try to encourage folks if I can. What it comes down to is after all these years....I LIKE ME.. & believe me, I didn't always & you couldn't tell by just looking at me, but it was my choices that made me realize that I didn't like me....I had a great upbringing...happy childhood...not perfect, but didn't leave any scars. I created the scars myself. I had a Mom & Pop, but as time moved on, I felt guilty because I was raised with both of my parents...today not too many have both, so at times I thought I was bragging but I had a great childhood. One day I realized, hey, why should I be ashamed of being happy....viola, I began to share more. Now I'm a witness. I'm happy because I just want to teach what the bible really means. Most of my friends at the hall don't really know what to do with me...because I'm not damaged. Lately they have not been calling on me for comments & that's ok. I think they want to discourage me so they can make a shepherd call on why I don't comment,(PS: I raise my hand many times but they still don't call on me, even some of the friends have noticed)but what I can say is, one or two things...Well, brother, I decided to not comment so much because the congregation is growing & it's only right that they get a chance to comment. OR, I can say...well, I stopped raising my hand, because for a while you haven't been calling me so I thought, that you were giving others a chance to comment & you know I'm good with that. Or, what I really want to say, Brothers, this is a set-up, I was commenting & you were calling on me & then you stopped because you see that I'm not affected by it & now you can come to give me a shepherd call for what you set me up for...

    Most of them are miserable & want to make me the same, but as I brought out...my joy & happiness is not up for grabs. I'm not buying into the world is terrible, this system is this or that...if any of these witnesses lived before the depression & they think the govenment is bad now, go back then, the gov't didn't do nothing for anybody. I'm not sure how long I'll be a witness..We shall see...Lurkers....Just know this...God takes care of those who take care of themselves..just like witnesses say, when asking for God's blessing you have to be moving...like that chariot...Get the education you need to take care of yourselves & your families if you ever get married. Make enough money to be comfortable. Just remember that money only provides comfort, no more no less. Hope to hear from you soon NewHope and Happiness


  • Legacy

    @ New Hope & Happiness,

    I too, would have loved to learn to play an instrument....I LOVE THE VIOLIN...& SAXOPHONE...& MY SECRET DESIRE IS...THE DRUMS.

    Just wanted to add that.


  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Legacy all i can add to that is that in Sweden there is a word named " LARGAM" it doesnt exist in English but ithe closest i can translate is " enough" ie not having to much nor two little. I also think since leaving the witnesses i have spent a lot of time trying to find peace within myself. Its included" meditation" but i think you can meditate on walks, or on a commuter train, or before you sleep. Finally in my exsperience the less complicated people are often the most sincere, and more relaxed about their masculinity/ femininity than those that have their identity wrapped in materalisam.

    Anyway i think we both agree Jehovers servents arnt " the richest people on earth" in money nor in happiness.

    New Hope and Happiness to you from N.H.A.H.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Money represents power over goods and services. As long as we have enough it to live and not be in debt, I am content. When cashiers ask me if I want to buy a Loto ticket, I say something like, "No thanks, I have everything I need".

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    @legacy- God takes care of those who take care of themselves..just like witnesses say, when asking for God's blessing you have to be moving...like that chariot...Get the education you need to take care of yourselves & your families if you ever get married. Make enough money to be comfortable. Just remember that money only provides comfort, no more no less

    Well said

  • jgnat

    It's an exchange for goods or services. I like working, and I appreciate being compensated for my contribution. But I don't work or live for the paycheque. I must love what I do, or I move on. It's a simple paradox that the people who do what they love are most often very good at it, and are well compensated.

    I took a values survey and when it comes to money, I go against the tide against most people in North America, who appreciate fair compensation and a good wage above other values.

    Like all of you, I like enough so I don't have to worry about bills, but no more. Too much money becomes a headache all its own.

  • Legacy

    @Twice Shy,

    Thanks, I have alot more to say, but...I'll save that for another time.


  • Defianttruth

    Money is a tool. It is like a hammer. If you know how to use it you can get things you want or need. Simple, when one thinks about money. It is neither good or evil. It is only a tool.

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