Update on my Mom - please read

by MrMoe 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    Hi Missy Moe,

    Consider yourself hugged.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • WildTurkey

    Mr Moe Im so sorry for you, I just dont have the words to comfort you I wish I did. Im sorry for your pain.

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    So sorry for what you're going through.
    Hang in there, you have friends who care out here.
    Hope things get better soon for you.


  • patio34

    Dear Mr. Moe,

    You said:

    Went in the hospital today, laid there next to her for hours. Just held her and reminded her of all the good memories. Like when we went shopping or how she taught me how to read before I went to kindergarden.
    I think you're doing the very best thing, trying to comfort her (and you) with good memories and keep the time with her as upbeat as possible.

    A saying that always cheers me a bit is, "Don't cry because it's over; be happy that it happened." It's good that you were and are so close to her. That's helping her, i'm sure.



  • Yerusalyim

    ((((((((((((((((MR MOE)))))))))))))))))

    I hope the morphine not only eases her pain, but speeds her death. Morphine interferes with breathing, she won't be uncomfortable from this but if there are lung poblems and they're using morphine, it's probably to help her ease into death. Praying for yall.


    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Tanalyst

    Moe, I'm proud of you for honoring your Mother. I wish you peace.Those who shun you don't know Christ.

    Sunspot: What a double whammy! peace to you


    Hey (((MrMoe))),my thoughts are with you and your mom.Don`t let the JW-bullshit artists get you down.They are not worth the dirt it would take to bury them...OUTLAW

  • AjaxMan


    My heart and thoughts go to you and your daughter.
    Ignore all that JW nonsense and show everyone what genuine love is and where it comes from because the LOVE that you show comes from one of the most beautiful places (your HEART) and that's something that most people don't have.

    Regards, hugs and love,


  • VeniceIT

    Hi Moe hun!!! HUGS!!! I can't think of anything to say!!!

    I might be over on your side a the state next weekend!!! maybe I'll be able to give you a hug in person!!

    Luv Ven

  • waiting

    hello moe,

    Just saw this thread - and want to add my best wishes for you in these hard times.

    Take care - it's really great that you're able to show your love for your mother. A gift.


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