Babylon the Great is the BIGGEST Harlot!

by The Searcher 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Two key Scriptures in Revelation give a description of BTG, and by doing so, identify to whom the name "Babylon the Great" applies.

    Revelation 17:5,6 says, "Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth." And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus".

    Revelation 18:24 says, "Yes, in her was found the blood of prophets and of holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth."

    Revelation 17:5 reveals that Babylon is the "mother" of the harlots - namely, the one who is considerably worse in her practices than that of her counterparts, the other "harlots".

    Therefore, since there are other harlots outwith the designation of Babylon the Great, then clearly, the mysterious designation of "Babylon the Great" does not include these other harlots. She stands alone, distinct! What makes her distinctive?

    Both of the verses quoted above indict her and condemn her, because she has been liable for the persecution and deaths of a great number of particular individuals who were all faithful servants of the God of the Bible.

    The verses speak of "prophets" and "the witnesses of Christ", individuals who were pre-Christian and Christian servants. A study of the Scriptures identifies who has been overwhelmingly responsible for the evil committed on God's servants; not the governments, not Baal worshipers or any other heathen people - it was the religious leaders of these people, who perverted true worship and persecuted all who tried to expose them!

    Consequently, all those involved with religions claiming to be Christian, are in reality part of Babylon the Great! Hence the cry from God, "Get out of her my people if you do not want to share in her sins." (Rev.18:4) As 1 Peter 4:17 states, "the judgment starts first with the house of God" Of all the religions in the world, the religious leaders who have claimed to represent the God of the Bible have been the most reprehensible in God's eyes, because of their treatment of sincere worshippers of the one true God. (Matt. 21:31-41) All who are sincere Christians have no need to be part of money-making religions to justify their faith. The Bible states that there is "one Lord, one faith, one baptism". It does not say "one religion". Faith is required for salvation, not religion!

  • Satanus

    Long live babylon!!


  • Satanus

    Vive, le babylone libre!


  • leaving_quietly

    I don't disagree, Searcher. A couple of weeks back, I was bemoaning the fact that WTBTS makes the Bible confusing by their doctrines. I wondered what in the Bible was called confused or confusion. I had forgotten the name Babel from which, which Babylon comes from. So, I thought to myself, how fitting that the mother of the harlots is called, almost literally, "Confusion the Great". I could be way off in left field with this one, but I had to chuckle at the notion, at least.

  • Ucantnome

    on the BBC website it says that

    'Christianity is the world's biggest religion, with about 2.1 billion followers worldwide. It is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ who lived in the Holy Land 2,000 years ago.'

    I'm confused by this comment of yours

    Consequently, all those involved with religions claiming to be Christian, are in reality part of Babylon the Great! Hence the cry from God, "Get out of her my people if you do not want to share in her sins.

    i think the bulk of the 2.1 billion are not people who claim Christianity and have not connections to a church I think those who don't are very very small in number but if they associate with each other and are of like mind rejecting certain things that others believe like bible students surely it's not long before they become almost sect.

  • Ucantnome

    and as time goes on maybe they need to identify themselves better and think of a name and become almost a religion within a religion and then need funds to buy places to associate and then later some identify it as Babylon the Great and need to leave.

  • Fernando

    " was the religious leaders of these people, who perverted true worship and persecuted all who tried to expose them!"

    Indeed, and well written The Searcher.

  • Ucantnome

    i had a chat with a witness a few months ago regarding the good news. this led on to why they stay a witness. the person explained that they felt the witnesses were the closest to the first century christians. they had congregations and the elders with the qualifications in 1timothy i believe. the person felt that going it alone would not be like the first century. they also felt a need of encouragement from likeminded people.

    i on the other hand don't feel i can join the person or with the witnesses due to the preaching. particularly 1914 and the events associated with it. they felt and said they do not mention it in the preaching as they too have some doubts. i explained that identifying myself as a JW would i feel be acknowledging the correctness of 1914 as i believe that is what a witness is. sure.

    not belonging to a church is ok for me but doesn't suit all. some who are younger have families to raise and another person i spoke to felt the need to be part of a mainstream church to give the children some support in their beliefs.

    i recently spoke to an elder who told me JW do not believe they are the only ones to be saved however i reminded him of what i understand they preach regarding Babylon the Great and the need to flee and he told me it's what the bible says.

    with regard to persecution i believe it can take many forms including fear, maybe to tell someone they must leave their religion because it is part of babylon the great would fall under the definition

  • Laika

    'one lord, one faith, one baptism' - so how do you do baptism without the use of religion Searcher?

  • leaving_quietly

    What religion did the Ethiopian eunuch get baptised into, Laika? Didn't Paul warn about being baptized into anyone but Christ? Otherwise, Christ exists divided. (1 Cor 1:11-17)

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