420/Marijuana/Mary Jane - What Is The Society's Stance Now That It's Legal In Two States?

by Sam Whiskey 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Magwitch

    I am really interested in the answer to your question Sam Whiskey. Living in Boulder, CO, I can honestly say that the majority of my friends and workmates enjoy the occasional edible now that it is legal. Most of us have an marijuana e-cigarette that is basically smoke free. None of us are "pot heads" but the majority of us are professionals that prefer an edible to a drink on the weekends - no hang overs, no damage to the liver or pancreas, just a peaceful feeling on Friday night :)

    I will be interested to follow this thread. Thank you for starting it.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    The WT prefers crack cocaine. For evidence of this, please see W 7-15-13 and any recent BOE Letter.

  • tresdecu

    It's still technically illegal on a federal level. Maybe they'll use that reasoning. Personally I am all for it, for those that enjoy it. I will probably never try it again!

    See below for personal experience....not related to WT actions or thread.

    About 6 months ago a buddy of mine at work had some pot brownies his GF made. I said I was curious and would like to try it. He gave me one, instructing me to eat about 1/4 first. Well, dumb-a$$ ME ignores that, and eats a good half (having never done it before...good JW in HS) about 1 hr later I was feeling ok, then within about 20 min my heart rate sky rocketed to about 175 bpm. My arms and legs were tingling and I was feeling a little dizzy. I was really scarred. Fortunately my wife was not home, so I called a non-JW relative close by, and they took me to the urgent care clinic.

    My heart had worked itself into a weird rhythm (forgot the name) I was there for about 2 hours until they got it under control. During that time the buzz or high I got was not pleasant...it was a weird feeling, I never again want to experience. I was hoping for a nice euphoric percocet-like buzz.

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Magwitch - I too am curious how this will work out.

    Trssdecu - I've never tried it. I kind of have the same concern. Even a little aclohol anymore and I my stomach gets upset. It would freak me out to experience what you experienced.

  • kjg132

    My brother, who is an elder, and back when I was still in, told me that it is acceptable for a witness to ingest marajuanna if prescribed for medicinal use, but Not Ok to smoke it. This seemed to be the case when a friend of mine, who is out, his Grandfather started legally smoking it for pain, he is in his 90s, and the brothers councelled him against it. It was actually what woke his grandfather up to the silliness of it all and his grandfather celebrated his first Bday at the age of 96.

  • jgnat

    I read this today, a current affairs piece.


  • RetroTherapy

    to my understanding, it would not be allowed to smoke it.

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    So according to the Society you can ingest it as a food but not smoke it?

  • Iamallcool
  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Lama - Thanks for posting the link. Seems like general consensus is that it can be taken for medicinal purposes, but not in smoked form.

    I've never tried, don't have a real interest in it.

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