What if you were a member of the GB and you woke up

by enigma1863 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • enigma1863

    What if you were a member of the GB and you woke up and realized it's all bs. What would you do?

    I would try to change the org from within.

  • frankiespeakin

    What if you were a member of the GB and you woke up and realized it's all bs. What would you do?

    Pull the covers back over my head and try to go back to sleep?

  • suavojr

    I knew my fate would be the same as Ray Franz and many others. I don't think the system they have in place is easy to break.

  • designs

    I wonder when the aha moment came for Ray Franz and Ed Dunlop. Mine was in 1995 speaking with the CO and a group of brothers on the 'Generation' change and no one had a clue what the Wt. was up to.

  • eyeuse2badub

    If I had no family 'in' (like many of the gb) I'd get up at one of the Wednesday morning gb meetings and tell them ttatt. I'd explain that big j gave me the courage to explain this to them. (If big j gave it to me then they may be inclined to listen) Then I'd ask them if there was anything I could possibly say or do to convince them that the borg is literally and spiritually killing many very good people. I'd tell them that I love them as individuals, friends, and brothers but hate the fact that they are deluded with themselves.

    This is exactly what I'd do to an elder body if my family was not 'in'.

    just saying!


  • NewYork44M

    If I was in control of a multibillion $ organization and woke up. Would I try to change it? Not the religions side, what would be the point. Changing the belief system is somewhat irrelevant... It doesn't matter - what matters is $$$$$

    What I would do would be to secure assets and my position. If I needed to change to secure assets I would make the necessary changes. I would do the exact things we see happening now.

    - Do away with as much printing as possible - too expensive.

    - Create a legal barrier between the corporation and the idiot elders that get everyone in trouble.

    - Force congregations to turn over property (Kingdom halls and assembly halls) to the corporation.

    - Encourage volunteerism to reduce the cost of the corporation's realestate empire.

    I suspect that the people in charge (really in charge) already know the religion is crap. They are doing what they need to do to secure assets, reduce risk, and find revenue streams for continued growth.

  • Ocean1111

    Well I would realize it is not all bs. The bs starts with the Governing Body, it's concept, it's corporate and not divine origination, and that is a basic "the lie" in it's very claims and existence. The GB is the core falsehood at Bethel, it's authority is based on that lie and divine claim actually being believed. THAT is the first thing wrong with Bethel, and "right" in that delusion allowing them free reign. To Christian claimants Christ is still God's Son, there is still God, and the Bible is truth, it is some human beings who are notorious for being liars an lovers of falsehood, as long as it produces the desired effect.

    It is man, not God that has a problem with truth. It is man, not the Bible itself, that twists reality.

    So from that basis already outlined in Genesis 3, and so on, the divergence from even basic truth, such as lifting an organization and body of sinner men as intermediaries overshadowing the undeserved kindness of a perfect human sacrifice of Christ, to atleast respect the basic theme and plot of the Bible, is the work of men, not God. And so the whole Bible is not bs for Christians, it is men and organization that in time always pervert truths to meet the common goals of some men: money and power.

    And that is all the JW organization is now as far as it's top leadership. It took time to warp to today's magnitude, and th GB are the engineers of the worst of the policies and doctrinal wafflings. The GB is the original cancer cell, the whole JW ministry, or what it explained as far as world government warnings since 1919 to 1945 in elitist international government aspirations is also verifiable truth. Even ALex Jones understands what the League of Nations was the seed of.

    So if one lopped of the GB and Bethel, and got back to basic Bible truth and actually applied it and the salvation message of undeserved kindness by God in Christ, JWs would be ok again. But such an event will not take place voluntarily.

    I would wake up, get out of bed, and LEAVE Bethel and the organization (Matt24:15) and point out it is the GB tenure that marks the point of the start of the downward spiral of Jehovah's witnesses and actual spirituality for many manmade materialities now rampantly promoted by Bethel and it's main hyper-pious appearing veneer. I would state the GB is a failed experiment, a fraud council, a basic deception to muster authority using God as their facade, and it cannot prosper long living in such a lie.

    A time will come when the GB is no more. That system will in time reap what it has sown, and the GB will be in that grim harvest. JWs think the GB are above the law and beyond reproach. But that delusion is just part of the overall effect of "the lie" and "operation of error", and that is why Bethel has engineered such a racket, to control people for their own self gain. If I woke up and was in the GB, it would have been a nightmare.

    Yet God and Christ are still the truth. So who is Bethel really working for to make some people doubt even that basic truth?

  • ABibleStudent

    Since most JWs only awaken when they are whipped too much by the WTBTS, I would vote for everything that the WTBTS is currently changing. Hopefully, it would wake-up more JWs. Fewer JWs is better than more JWs.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • pixel

    Publish all the secret documents online?

  • cultBgone

    Pixel, what a wondrous idea!!!

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