"Who else is preaching in twos? Who else is putting kingdom interests first? Who else rejects the trinity?"

by Island Man 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    The next time a JW asks you the questions in the title, just tell them about the "Two by Twos" and the "Cooneyites".

    They have some similar beliefs as JWs but are even more zealous in putting kingdom interests first, living far simpler and less materialistic lives than even zealous JWs. They reject the Triniy as unscriptural. They preach in twos. Unlike the JWs they do not idolize an organization. They refuse to draw attention to themselves as a sect by refusing to give themselves a sectarian name as other denominations have. Their only literature is the bible.

    The JWs are definitely not as unique as they claim and they aren't even the most zealous self-sacrificing christians out there.

  • Apognophos

    Interesting, I'd never heard of those groups, but these seem like an even better answer to the "Who else?" question than Christadelphians and other groups I've seen mentioned. Funny how the article declaims them as "cults". At first it seems to say that they have no central leadership, but it closes by saying they preach that Christians must follow their leaders. Not sure what that's about.

  • why144000

    How about the 'One by One Band' that was active in England in the early 1900's? Thomas Hogben wrote a book called 'My Witnesses" that taught that each person should be a 'Jehovahs Witness' and go door to door to convert people on an individual basis. I always wondered whether Judge Ratherflawed read the book and yars later stole the idea.

  • Apognophos

    Wow, and yet another interesting fact! It seems that a copy of the book can be read here: https://books.logos.com/books/5917#content=/books/5917

    Thanks for mentioning this, why144000. Going to look into this more.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also sends missionaries out by twos, also rejects conventional trinity.

    The fact that any church does this doesn't mean they're the only true and living church on the earth. Just setting up an imitation of the early church means nothing. You can get an FBI seal, stick it up on the wall, make your people wear suits, give them guns and badges, and that still won't mean they're the FBI. They may be more competent, but they won't be the FBI!

  • LisaRose

    Oh, the irony.

  • villagegirl

    Cold Steel - Say what ? its simple, read some history of the

    American adventist movement in the Eastern United States, the

    WT was an offshoot of an American movement in a specific geographic area

    and all the ideas and doctrines were pre-written and preached about

    before Russsell was born, nothing new was every created by the WT

    or different or unique. Google Millerites.

  • Crazyguy

    Yes and when the witnesses say this then ask who else also rejects Christ?

  • Zoos

    And there are fewer Two by Twos and Cooneyites than there are Jehovah's Witnesses. That means that THEIR road is even cramped-er and narrow-er and THAT, folks, is solid evidence that Jesus selected them over all other religions.

  • steve2

    Written in 1909, Hogben's impassioned call demonstrates the tireless orchestration required to revive flagging Christianity.ye are my witnesses indeed! Vainly wasted lives spreading tiresome yearnings from a bygone age.

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