by WildHorses 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    God bless almighty Dateline.

    So all you people are wearing your dateline logos there and starting up a little dateline support group now are you?
    (just thought id throw a whiff of dissent in)

  • closer2fine

    Dungbeetle - I participate on a number of other boards (none are JW related) What are you saying in your posts? Some of the boards I participate on, talk about current events, parenting issues, debates, etc. I would love to bring more attention to this.



    Solid stone is just sand and water, baby
    Sand and water, and a million years gone by - beth nielsen chapman

  • LB

    I'm also grateful to Dateline, but, I hope they don't water this story down too much. The voiceover in such a story can make or break a point of view. Let's hope they are honest and have enough facts to really bust the wtbts. And use the facts.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • sunscapes

    Hear Us Roar!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Refiner's Fire

    I have had too few people willing to stand with me in the face of abuse to turn my back. They will get as much support FROM me as they give TO me. Unlike what I got with the borg - notice I'm NOT sporting a watchtower

    A not-so-silent lamb

    Aspire to inspire before you expire

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire
    Hear Us Roar!

    Thats how much effect all this will have on the Borg.
    Anyone thinks this will bring the Borg down and produce an exodus is gonna be disappointed big time.
    Salvation isnt in the dateline collective anymore than its in the Borg collective.
    You can only save yourself.
    Sorry to dissent, but i see slogans and symbols in this thread, soon as I see slogans and symbols, I know uniformity and collective thinking follow.
    My hackles go up.

  • jwsons

    First, I just guess Refiner is one of them by the language he used. Now I can confirm with you he is :

  • plmkrzy


    First, I just guess Refiner is one of them by the language he used. Now I can confirm with you he is :


    jw- your the one with the lock on your mail box...oh wait so is mine. BUT I only locked it yesterday and for a good reason it will be unlocked again soon.

    Also since you have beem here since 2001 you should know better then that and you probably do.

    Life sucks...get a helmet
  • Pathofthorns

    I would gather from several posts that for some victims this program represents some sort of closure or victory for victims or payback to the WT.

    I am interested in seeing this news story as well but I hope the weight many have put to it and their expectations are realistic. For some, having the expectations they do might end up being an unhealthy disappointment as the Dateline episode comes and goes with minimal fanfare and impact on the JW organization.

    All bad publicity that is a true and honest representation of the facts regarding the JW religion is beneficial in opening the eyes of some and helps force change that makes the religion a safer place to be for those that never will leave. But progress is generally slow and tedious and results are rarely spectacular.

    I think Refiner is just encouraging a little balance here. For every victim that was hurt by the WT or their policies or their elders or whoever, it is ultimately you that must find the strength from within to go on, the same courage and strength that has carried you to this point. One news episode should not be looked to as your personal savior from what has harmed you. That is only something that you can do.

    NBC is also a corporation and a big business. They do not care about you but they do care about making a profit. But that is just business and it is good to keep that in mind.

    Anyway, it will be interesting to see how it all plays out, but I think I'll wait until the program actually airs before expressing my compliments and disappointments regarding this tv program.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    Years ago I tried to get the media's attention concerning abuse in the borg. No news media here in Canada wanted to touch it for fear of lawsuits.

    I am very pleased to see that finally one group has been willing to address this issue publically despite any threats of lawsuits (if there have been and I don't know that there is now - only that there were when I tried)

    I suffered for years at the hands of an abusive mother and an abusive husband/elder. I did not get the help I needed from the borg. I know people who have committed suicide because of borg imposed thinking that prevented them from getting the help they needed. I know of many women who stayed in abusive marriages and raised their children in fear due to those same nonsensical teachings. Every victim thinks they are alone.

    If it makes one person realize they are not alone
    If it makes one person stop from joining
    If it makes one person leave
    If it makes one person doubt
    If it makes one person say I won't take this anymore and I'm leaving
    If it makes one person go to the police
    If it makes one person get the help they need

    Then I will be happy

    A not-so-silent lamb

    Aspire to inspire before you expire

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