Suffering and Universal Sovereignty

by Trapped in JW land 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    The whole thing is designed to justify suffering while plunging the whole planet into communism. They blame people for wanting freedom--sin. They blame Satan, who is trying to save us from that communism. All the while, joke-hova is the reason why we have this suffering in the first place. No joke-hova would have meant no forced stifling of science that would have saved us. It would have meant no science fraud that is intended to hold technology back (on the grounds of "peer reviews" and "proven science"). Without joke-hova, honest scientists working without the government agencies (most of whom are hijacked by the draconians) would have solved these issues. Without joke-hova, we wouldn't have bankers stealing our money, taxing us to death for nothing, and stifling the job market. Without joke-hova, there would be no self-sacrifice that brings no reward.

    And all the while, that beady-eyed monster they so lovingly revere (joke-hova) and its draconians (with the grays and reptilians working as slaves under them) are blaming Satan and His Demons for our misery. Blame them for raising this issue, and you have the perfect blind to enslave the human race under communism behind. Of course, they have backup blinds--the whole political correctness smut and the derogatory terms the churches use to describe those who do not believe their lies also serve as blinds to prevent anyone from analyzing whether joke-hova itself is causing, not merely tolerating, all suffering.

  • Seraphim23

    Interesting satire!

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