What if Everyone Demaded Answers About Where the Money is and What it is Used For?

by TTATTelder 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oubliette

    Cult members are not in a position to make demands of the cult leaders. That's how cults work.

    If you're unclear on the concept, ask a local elder this, "Why is it that every month our congregation gives a full report of the financial accounts, but the WTBTS never, ever discloses any of its financial dealings?"

    Prepare for a non-answer at best, maybe even an awkward silence.

  • Ding

    The vast majority of JWs have been indoctrinated never to question anything the organization does.

  • Oubliette

    How to get disfellowshipped:

    Question Authority

    And soon you won't be a sheep.

    You have so much to gain and so much to lose. It's the dilemma the GB is counting on; the choice they're betting you're afriad to make.

  • Skinnedsheep

    I asked an elder and the answer was....

    "the slave lovingly doesn't want to burden the flock with that information. If the flock saw the donations decreasing due to the tough economy they might feel even more stressed about donating"

    true response.

  • grumblecakes

    Its fun to fantasize about. I imagine them simply refusing to disclose because they actually dont have to...and then everyone simply leaves the borg having been awakened....ahhh, fantasies.

    In reality, none of the RnF care, "everything belongs to Jehovah anyway"

  • LogCon

    Skinnedsheep's elder replied "...the slave lovingly doesn't want to burden the flock with that information."

    The proper response to that statement is

    " Go ahead, burden me!"

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    I give money to the CCJW (Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses) just like I pay my taxes to the IRS.

    They are responsible to Jehovah for what they do with the money. It's not my problem.

    "...none should appear before Jehovah empty-handed." (Deut 16:16)

  • grumblecakes

    A Watcher, i have a bridge id like to sell ya...

  • JeffT

    This is standard operating procedure in mainstream churches. The financial sheet was posted in the church so anyone could read it. They also had a financial committee open to all members. The problem was that lay people had no idea how to read a financial statement.

    The WT would be transparent if all members demanded it. We are taught that we are not good enough to even review something.

    A few years ago my wife and I attended a large non-denominational church, my wife directed and taught in their preschool. They had a "fair" where all the various ministries set up tables to show what they did. I spotted the church CFO sitting behind a table containing several copies of the most recent audited financial statements. Nobody was looking at the reports. I picked one up and the first thing I did was look at the auditors statement to see who had done the audit, it was a Big 6 firm. I then started reading the report. At that point the CFO says "your're an accountant, aren't you." I said yes, and he said he could tell because nobody else attempted to read the report.

    That's too bad, because the fact that the financial statements are out there signals a higher degree of transparency. And learning how to read them isn't that hard. (If anybody wants to learn, PM me I used to teach non-accountant mangers how to do it, I think I still have my notes.)

    The fact that the WTBS goes out of its way to hide this information leads me to believe there is stuff there they don't want any one to know about.

  • Listener

    I don't understand A Watcher, if you don't care what they do with the money then why do you continually give to them?

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