First Encounter With a Person From My Congregation Since We D-A'd

by Iown Mylife 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I've had them say to me on fb (haven't run into any at the shops yet thank goodness), "I hope you return to Jehovah." And I tell them, "I never left Jehovah [true, cuz you can't leave someone who doesn't exist], I just left an unloving organization that claims to represent him."

    Df, da or inactive jws who are still believers I tell: I just don't believe it anymore..." And they're cool and move on. It's only the 'spiritual' ones who've been phobia conditioned to believe you're the spawn of Satan.

  • KateWild


    I am glad you felt confident to talk instead of avoid them. Doing all the avoiding behaviour is unatural and makes us feel bad afterwards, I know I have done it. But to be straight with them takes confidence. Well done.

    Kate xx

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Much appreciation for supportive comments & logic! helping me get REAL


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Good for you Iown Mylife .

    It must have felt good. No more hiding, no more pretending, no more having to listen to their critical comments.

    Be true to yourself.


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