So Spill the Beans, Brothers: Were There More or Fewer At this Year's Bore-Fest

by steve2 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • What is Truth?
    What is Truth?

    More than last year, but less than 2011. Had about 200% attendance in relation to publishers. I really don't see the 9000+ tracts they put out as having been very effective. A friend mentioned today that a person they are related to partook for the first time.

  • Crazyguy

    I wonder if this year is the last year that many came to hedge their bets so to speak?? I also didn't mean to insult anyone by using the term losers in my last post in this thread but it's become obvious that like was mentioned earlier that only the rough type the ones looking less educated, less well of, on the fringes are the ones coming to the ORG now...Maybe thats why they pulled out the crap about eating with lions to entice more of these to stay via bribery. Its all really a joke when to think about it other churches are doing a much better job of getting ones to come to their places, works to the community, charity, outreach programs, food programs etc. Why really would anyone want to go to a kingdom hall???

  • NewYork44M

    If it happens to hit 20M, does that mean we have found the TRUTH? Can we relate numbers to the truth? I as this as a emperically testable research question. What numbers related to the truth are statistically significant? But then, we have to define the variable "what is truth?"

  • TTATTelder

    At least 15% drop at mine

  • snare&racket

    To me, knowing how many baptised people usually attend a kingdom hall (7 million people) then looking at how many they claim attend the kingdom halls for the memorial (19 million), every kingdom hall should on memorial night have AT LEAST over double and almost triple the normal baptised members in attendance. They simply don't and I have never believed their memorial figures,

    Claiming over twice as many of normal baptised members in attendence at every hall means that statistically, if one hall doesnt achieve it, another now has to treble its attendece, if that hall didnt do that, another has to quadruple its attendence etc etc etc...

    I went to several halls on memorial nights in several countries and though it had a spattering of more people, it certainly never more than doubled in baptised publisher numbers anywhere.

    I am sure all JW's look at the memorial figures and think 'wow that sounds like alot of people' and a little red alarm rings subcosciously, because they know they dont see their hall have triple attendence on memorial night.....

  • steve2

    Just to clarify, if they have cleared 20 million plus in worldwide attendance at the Bore-fest this year, I will take that as strong empirical evidence that the Witnesses are the one and only "True" religion on this earth. Not.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    attendance at my wife's congo was twice the publisher numbers 180/90. That's below average. Not helping to break any record

    If they hit 20 million is because they are lying.

  • jonahstourguide

    17% less this year and 30% less than 2011 at the cong I attended

    and the no. wasn't announced from the rostrum.

    Snares observation is on the money I reckon.


  • Crazyguy

    Well one way they can get to the figure of 19 millions is remember that normally the ones counted at the hall are just the baptised ones, i still believe. So if you count all the unbaptised ones babies etc this would take the number up even before you factor in the memorial.

  • jonahstourguide

    I think, Crazyguy, that the attendance count at meetings includes

    all those who can comprehend whats going on. I'll have to check that.

    So I'm pretty sure the same method is used for the Memorial. If ya there

    with ya eyes open ya gets counted ! E.g. cong of 100 publishers baptised or not

    get an attendance at meetings of between 70 and 100 and had

    173 at memorial.


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