Sex really that bad?

by Batman89 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RubaDub

    I defer my personal comments to the legal ruling in the Spit v. Swallow case.

    I was strongly compelled to agree with the majority ruling in favor of Swallow.

    Rub a Dub

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    In traditional societies the strictness of control over sexual promiscuity was directed related to the arability (fertility) of the land. Where land was scarce or less fertile, it was critical that the line of inheritance be clear to prevent disputes - hence the reason Islamic law is so restrictive as it developed in the deserts of Saudi Arabia. In socieites where land was more productive and available, such as Northern Europe, attitudes to sexual promiscuity were more relaxed. That is also why attitudes to sex are more relaxed in urban societies as compared with rural societies. The WBTS has inherited its attitudes from the ancient Jews of the Old Testament who lived in the semi-arid land of the Middle East and who were obsessed with the family line.

  • designs

    Saint Paul had a wet dream as a teenager and never got over the guilt :D

  • RubaDub

    Saint Paul had a wet dream as a teenager

    designs ...

    But in the end he must have liked the "do it yourself" approach since he recommended people to remain single.

    Rub a Dub

  • designs

    lol an early selfie....

  • BU2B

    If you read George Orwells 1984, you will see that just not Religion, but all who seek to control humans seek to control sex and sexuality. It is a powerful force, and humans like all creatures are sexual by nature. Religion instills guilt on it and restricts it. It is a normal function, something to be enjoyed like eating, drinking, or anything else, not something to feel guilty about. We have appitites for food and sex. Can you imagine feeling guilty every time you gou hungry, looked longingly at a great meal, mouth watered over the smell of your favorite dish cooking, or actually ate your favorite meal? Yet this is what religion does to sex. Make you guilty for wanting it, desiring a person you are attracted to, or actually following your natural desire with a willing partner. This is not up to us but is governed by hormones. Religion likes to call it the desires of fallen flesh, but in reality it is chemicals called HORMONES that do this. That is why a male who is castrated will have 0 sexual desire or energy. No sex hormones, no sex drive. No sinful inherited sin there! Just chemicals.

    If religion and tyrannical people can control this, they can control you. Also if you create a constant climate of guilt, you can control depressed unworthy, guilty people better than confident, well balanced individuals.

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