Is the Centenary Campaign in August 2014 really for the public?

by truthseeker 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I was thinking about what I read in a recent Kingdom Ministry about the historical campaign the JWs will engage in this August.

    This is not really for the public.

    It is to keep the JW's busy, not thinking about why 100 years has gone by with no end in sight, but to buoy up flagging enthusiasm.

    They trying to make JWs maintain a constant state of tension and expectation.

  • straightshooter

    I thought that the campaign in August was directing the public to the site. The Jan 2014 Awake on the web site was not enough.

    All tract campaigns are for the jws to work harder and try to get inactive ones into the field service. After all, such campaigns do not take alot of brain power, just alot of time.

  • snowbird

    UH HUH.

    WT doesn't give a flying scroll about the public; their aim is to keep JW's so busy that no one thinks about questioning.

    I remember pushing the Watchtower magazine so hard during 1979 because it was the centennial years of its publication.

    The householders all looked at me as if to say, "And ...??? "

  • sir82

    Of course.

    All the "special" campaigns are just meaningless busy work.

    If even 1% of the people invited to the Memorial or the conventions showed up, there would be hours-long traffic jams, attendance would overflow fire safety regulations, etc.

    Any and all "special" campaigns are designed to be inefficient time-wasting failures from day one.

  • smiddy

    WT doesn't give a flying scroll about the public; their aim is to keep JW's so busy that no one thinks about questioning.

    So true snowbird , keep the R&F witnesses on the treadmill , dangling the carrot always in front of them , and devising new ways to keep them from thinking for themselves , keep them busy , busy , busy doing our bidding.


  • WTWizard

    It does accomplish a number of things. First, in August, it forces the witlesses out in field circus in the month just before they are to start fresh. One of the muggiest months in many areas, this is going to force many of them to exhaustion just when they need to be ready for a new year. Instead of taking time off at the end of the year, they are now forced to waste their time and do this crap. Many have already exceeded their 840 hours by the time this comes out, or are very close to doing so--and they are now going to be forced to get closer to 900 or more. Which does not carry into the new year.

    For the average pious-sneer, August is the month to take stock. It is the month to assess whether that suit is in good condition, and get it fixed or replaced--or get a new one if they need it. It is the month to assess whether that field circus bag is adequate and in good condition, or whether to get another one. It is the month many of them specially take all their suits to the dry cleaners to start on a clean slate. It is the month many of them try getting caught up on housework, such as deep cleaning or major repairs. And now those scumbags at the top are taking it away from them, forcing them to waste their time doing this dead work. I hope a good many of them find their suits inadequate by November, their bookbags falling apart, or they simply cannot go on come December (right as they need to push to take advantage of Saturn in Sagittarius), and cannot keep up with the scamming of people into the cancer at such time.

    This is also a financial drain, pious-sneer or not. It is door to door, so you drive into a territory (wasting gas), place your wastes of paper, and go onto the next territory and waste more gas. As it is the muggiest month of the year for many (and that includes much of the North as well as the deep South), suit dry cleaning bills go to the moon. Of course, they expect donations for the wastes of paper, further burdening the people. Again, I hope they are drained so, when the whole financial system collapses, they learn the hard way that joke-hova is not going to take care of them--at that, right when their prime scamming opportunity comes along (and will not be around again until March 8, 2044).

    Does it do any good? No. Driving around leaving wases of paper does nothing but waste time (and gas), while programming souls to poverty and misery. Is the message any good? No. I got better answers as to why the world is the way it is from Joy of Satan than I ever did from any washtowel, or even back when the Grand Boasting Sessions were 4 days. Their web site is full of worms--and not computer worms, either. The worms are for your brain--a washtowel worm on that computer is worse than a worm on your mechanical computer that can be removed. At least, the Joy of Satan site (and plenty of links contained therein, and more if you care to research something independently if you don't fully understand them) contains much better answers than the LIE-ble.

  • designs

    Pucker butt

  • factfinder

    August is also the month many countries see new publisher peaks, including the US.

    This tract campagn in August seems to be tied to that-encourage all to share so an all time peak will be recorded to end the SY.

  • factfinder

    Does anyone know if the June KM is available yet? Thanks!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    It's a cold month here in Australia and the kids are at school. At least the kids won't be dragged around on their school holidays.

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