A silly thought on freewill...

by new hope and happiness 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    in my life i have found free love....its great for the ego when people fall in love with you and you were unaware. That happened a lot with me as a kid and helped with my self esteem. Now i am older i find i get more beer than free-love. But as for free will i have concluded it doesnt exist.

  • ballistic

    Lets take it up one more level,

    Your thoughts create the world you see around you. The choices you make dictate what you will see, and what kind of world you live in.

    However, if you really believe you have no control over your life, then because the power of belief is everything, you won't have any control.

    And therefore, what some people are wishing to be the case; that they have no control, thus becomes true for them.

  • cofty

    Sam Harris recently wrote a short book on the topic. He is convinced free will is a delusion.

    Dan Dennett disagrees with him.

    Here are Harris' thoughts on the topic...


    and here is Dennett's reply...

    Two very big minds that deserve consideration.

    It's a topic I want to wrestle with sometime.

    I hope free will can be rescued in some form but reality doesn't care what we wish for.

  • ballistic

    That's the point, *your* reality is a construct of your mind.

    Not something out-there.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Thanks for the interesting comments.

    Just an additional thought maybe free is simply a quality of well being, that comes from what we positivly bring to the world, rather than what we get from it?

  • Fernando

    If God exists, and I believe he does, then the existence of atheists would seem to prove free will, to my mind at least.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Fernando: Did not even Jesus say " why for have you forsaken me" . Maybe even Jesus learnt that in life things need to be accepted as they are?

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