No refreshments.

by quellycatface 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • quellycatface

    Why is it that we never had coffee/tea after the meeting?? Yet, nearly every KH has a kitchen??

    I do now I'm going to church. So much more social.


    My guess is that most JWs do not have the appropriate social skills to justify a coffee and snack session before or after the meetings.

  • Iamallcool

    Here in the USA, I have been to so many Kingdom Halls, I rarely see any kitchens. Are you in UK?

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    my last KH had no kitchen or refreshments

  • Finkelstein

    Some KHs here in Canada have not kitchens attached to the main Hall but in

    adjoining multi-purpose rooms for other events.

    Not too common though.

    Its true that JWs are not as social as what your would see in some Churches.

    They are there to learn/indoctrinate and be judged by elders and quilted toward

    going out in service, pushing the WTS's literature.

    Other Churches have day care facilities, youth programs and other social events for the congregates.

  • villagegirl

    Churches , just everyday normal Christian churches are

    focused on people, the have special programs for children,

    all kinds of activities and collect clothes and food for the poor

    and disadvantage, and there is always coffee and treats before

    and after services. They all partake of the wine and bread in what

    they refer to as "communion" which is about all being part of the Body of Christ.

    There is no "Governing Body" as eight magical wizards and no concept that

    being "anointed" is for special people only, and no idea about "classes"

    its all about unity. And you know the weird thing ? One of the big "bragging points"

    of JW's is that they are the only ones without "divisions" Really? Except for the

    divisions of; who is not anointed and who is, divisions about who gets to be part of

    the Body of Christ and who doesn't, about who can "partake" at the memorial

    and who can't , no divisions ? Really ? And no coffee and no tea and no muffins ?

  • crmsicl

    About 1976 the congo that we went to was in the process of building a new hall with a basement for a second school, bathrooms, elder room and a kitchen with a shower. I think they considered it a place to entertain the circuit overseers. That's about all it was used for and also for Pioneer School a time or two. The shower ended up being a catch all place for junk and sisters purses.

  • barry

    We go to a church that has coffee when the kids go to their own church and also at the end. it's a new church so new ones can be made welcome

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Coffee? Tea? Provided by the congregation? hahahahahaha... That's at least a couple of million world wide that doesn't end up in Mother's pocket.

  • SnailsPace2

    We have a little kitchen with a Keurig and K-cups . . .for the pioneers. It's in a tiny cold room that used to be the nursing mother's room, when the first nursing mother's room was made into an office for the elders who didn't want to sit in their seats the whole meeting. Now there is no nursing mother's room, and if I had baby I would attend just to whip my boob out in front everyone and nurse just to make a point.

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