EX JW Podcast

by snare&racket 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    I am setting up a podcast (radio show) where we will cover the issues of JW's, amongst the topics of science, belief and more.

    I am letting you guys know because I would like to interact with the forum as we do them, looking for suggestions for topics, looking for guest ideas and also we can mask voies and change names, so interviewing current JW's to help provide people a voice, an outlet for their frustration whilst providing a safety net. There is no hierarchy, but current elders, bethelites etc that contribute here already will be more than welcome and protected!

    The podcast will be pro science, I will have both atheist and theist co-presenters in the episodes but I can't deny my bias towards evidence and science, but hopefully it should be enjoyable and informative for us all.

    I plan for it to be about 2hrs long, maybe an episode a month or every 2 or 3 weeks. It will be recorded interviews and maybe in the future a live stream so it can be interactive with skype etc.

    So yes, let me know wha you think... and plenty of suggestions...



    Name for the show?

    Ideas for a format?

    Anybody want to help out with the show or with a supporting website? (Again it can be done in a way so you are anonymous but have the means to help!)

    Snare x

  • KateWild

    An idea for a topic.

    Enantiomers, their homochiral mixture in nature and racemic mixture in the lab.

    Persoanlly I would be interested but I don't know how many on JWN would listen. You would have to choose some charasmatic guests. Well it's just an idea see what else you get. I think more people are interested in biology than chemistry.

    Kate xx

  • snare&racket

    WTF? I wouldn't listen lol

  • KateWild

    LOL! It's science

  • jdubsnub

    I think it's a great idea. I would definatey listen!

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    I'm interested.

    Would like to hear a science 101 type course.

  • sparrowdown

    That sounds like a great idea.

    The trick to introducing science to the uneducated masses (like moi) is to make it fun and or funny, even satirical.

    A segment called "Why is it so?", or "please explain" would be cool.

    All the best with your endeavor.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    I just found your thread. Sounds good Snare&Racket.

    Is it in your plans to talk about civilizations that came before the Hebrew peoples Bible?

    When I started reading here at JWN, Leolaia's posts blew me away.

    As a born in, my education was from the WT, and anything further than high school, was extremely discouraged, so I knew nothing about these earlier people.

    Someone talking about pre-Bible groups and life as usual on earth before Watch Tower's stated "Mankind has been on the earth for 6,000 (1975 CE) years, then Watch Tower becomes a joke.

    The truth is the truth and Watch Tower does not have it and does not want it's paying members to wise up and walk away, (and take their money with them).


    "' Tis a noble deed you do Sir"... I am sure someone wise has said.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    How did I miss this thread ?

    Awesome idea matey, ill be an avid listener at least.

    I agree with the science 101, or at least have a 101 section in there. Robert Price has an 'up to speed' section in 'the human bible' where he goes right back to basics for new listeners and the uneducated.. i need that!

  • snare&racket

    sorting people to interview for 1st episode. Got several ex jw's including ex elders and pioneer, ex bethelite (me), was looking for a female but looks like got one now. Anyways, keep your ears open, will let you know.

    snare x

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