Did Noah know GODS name?

by bruh2012 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bruh2012

    I know it's Hollywood the Noah movie- But they refered to GOD as "The Creator" through the entire movie. Director said he did careful research for the movie with what he could find including the book of enoch.

    WT of course says he did especial in Gen.9:26.

    Any thoughts?

  • Comatose

    Doesn't god himself say in the bible when talking to Moses that he had revelaed himself to others before but that by his name they did not know him?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "Silence is God's natural language......everything else is a bad translation."

  • stuckinarut2

    I'm so glad that the producer did not use any names for god.

    either way it would be used as fuel by witnesses! Either they would criticise it for using a different name, or they would boast loudly to everyone and get cocky if the name Jehovah or Yahweh was used.

  • Phizzy

    YHWH is a late development in Israel's worship, and has been retrojected into the text of Genesis (usually in place names that had it incorporated by the time of the Return) by the post Babylonian Exile Priests etc who produced the Scriptures for the fledgling nation, as the returnees in fact were, even though they had a history in the land.

    If Noah were not simply a fictional character, as I am sure he is, then, at the time he supposedly lived Yahweh was unknown. Yahweh was taken over by those Jews from circa 537BCE as the national God, of a nation that they wanted to be monotheistic.

    Before adoption by the Jews, Yahweh had a chequered past, having a wife/consort for example, there have been a number of threads on this.

    The God El maybe predates Yahweh, certainly El predates any idea of Yahweh's supremacy, so El would be a better choice out of the two.

    The Director's idea on this makes much more historical sense than adopting a name which came much later than the supposed setting of Noah.

    Will there be a Noah 2 movie, subtitled "Oh bugger, its raining again" ?

  • Crazyguy

    EL was used in the book of Genesis more then any other name for God.

  • RubaDub

    EL was used in the book of Genesis more then any other name for God.

    In later verses is was expanded to EL Kabong.

    Rub a Dub

  • BluesBrother

    WT of course says he did especial in Gen.9:26.

    Interesting that the "Blue Letter Bible" site shows that the tetragrammaton is contained in that verse. It is, of course believed that Moses compiled Genesis at a later date , but from ancient source material. So I guess that if one believes Genesis to be part of the inspired word of God, your answer would be "Yes". If one does not believe, then it does not matter anyway.

  • snare&racket

    If you mean by name...jehovah.... then you need to do some research.

    it was first ever used......700 years after Jesus. I don't mean the latin version, I mean the oringinal idea of mixing up the sentence YHWH (he causes what he wills) and the vowels from adonai (LORD) to make YaHoWaH or YaWeH.....later in latin JaHoVaH.

    The idea came from a monk, copying out the old scrolls, he thought it may be a secret code and so miced the two together... so ask yourself if noah, a mesapotamian charachter from an older story of Gilgamesh knew a word made thousands of years later by a monk with an idea.....

  • snare&racket

    El was the ancient god of that region, isra-EL means city of god. Elohim, eli etc etc all come from this ancient god El. Some say the word EL meant god, but historians have evidence for worship to El and though it may have become later part of the language to generically mean El, there was a god named El in the region, BEFORE the concept of Yaweh existed.

    I read this all years ago, forgive me if I mixed anything up.

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