Cong issues

by Batman89 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Batman89

    Its seemed like in my old hall(im still in just leared TTHATT) evey other local needs part we had was about either gossip or needing more effort in the ministry. Also about brothers needing to step up and "reach out".

    Were/are there alot of gossip,lack of ministry support or lack of brothers in your hall when you were a JW?

  • Oubliette

    These issues are common everywhere. People like to talk. The ministry is boring and unproductive. In JW-land the reward for hard work is: more hard work.

  • sparrowdown

    Gossip was horendous.

    Field service support was non existant ( anyone who did go made private arrangements)

    The body of elders were always complaining about no bro's were reaching out, but did not take steps to train/mentor anyone.

  • Divergent

    "The body of elders were always complaining about no bro's were reaching out, but did not take steps to train/mentor anyone."

    This was very true in my case. I was baptized in my mid teens, but the local elders MADE NO EFFORT WHATSOEVER to help me to reach out after I was baptized. Instead, they were picky, fault-finding, over-analyzing my life, finding reasons as to why they should not make me an MS instead of looking at my positive qualities & finding reasons as to why they should (there were many). This really frustrated me as I was already doing my best spiritually & giving it my all. Only later did they back down a bit when they rightly realized that doing so would make it impossible for me to qualify for privileges (what do you expect when you are unrealistic & demand perfection?)

  • 4thgen

    Every local needs for 5+ years included some form of 'listen to the elders'.

  • KateWild

    Gossip is a biggy, but I don't recal a local needs about it. The elders and their wives were the worst so it would come off the platform to stop it.

    Support in the ministry was one as well, the re was never any support for the young, elderly, or infirm. Elders and pioneers only worked with each other instead of supporting the flock.

    Kate xx

  • 88JM

    Local needs part here was about hospitality, even though there is a part on it next week as well anyway.

    Guess what? The C.O. visit is coming up here and they are looking for somewhere to stay...

  • stillin

    Local needs here was about following through with return visits. Duh

  • Divergent

    Hospitality... hmmm. I guess it all comes down to who the C.O. is, really. Many are hesitant to open their homes to the C.O. & wife, because they feel as though they have to be on their toes all the time ;P

    We had an C.O. before who was quite uptight & rigid, critical at times, so needless to say - not many were willing to accommodate him & his wife. However, the subsequent C.O.'s & their wives had different personalities compared to the previous - they were warm & pleasant, more easygoing, adaptable, & not so fussy.. so naturally, they had no problems with accommodation =)

  • sparrowdown

    Our cong is made up of elderly ones, disabled ones, single parents, "fatherless boys", the economically challenged, the mentally ill as a matter of fact every vulnerable group in society is represented. And yet...

    The co got up and announced one service meeting many service meetings ago that

    " the body of elders has had a meeting and decided our cong did not have any specific local needs.

    So we would just periodically review the fruits of the spirit"

    How's that for having their fingers on the pulse!

    Absolutely clueless.

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