The most watchtarded WT study yet....?!?!?

by DATA-DOG 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    If you went to the meeting yesterday, did you notice how utterly watchtarded it was?? It seemed to me that everyone in my KH has accepted the fact that they will die. That's all they kept saying, even the WT conducting Eldumb said, " We have to teach the next generation because we won't be here forever.." WTH?!??? The comments were so dumb, so often, that I can't list them all! These people have to know it's all a lie, somewhere in their mind, they must know it...

    Do these people even believe the END is coming??? I think that subconsciously, they KNOW they will die. They just cannot deal with it. The ending song [ that I did not sing ] had a line about the paradise coming soon! The only paradise coming soon is the completion of the GB's rooms at Warwick.

    The WT lesson itself was riddled with watchtardified sentences. The GB are saying, " Hey ignorant sheeple, you are going to get old! Guess what, you are 50, we lied in the 1968 Awake!! What's that?? It's not in the CD Library??"" The example of "Robert" [ formerly Andre'] and his wife was the worst. A 65 year old couple that " NO LONGER HAD AGING PARENTS NEEDING CARE!!!" WTF!!! Yeah, that's because they DIED!!!!! THEY ARE DEAD!!!

    Robert and the wife were 65 and now they are 75!!! Where is the END?? For Robert and his wife, it's SOON.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    It seemed to me that everyone in my KH has accepted the fact that they will die.


    By WT definitions, everyone in the cong. is an "apostate". The GB says we are on the threshold of Armageddon, in the last days of the last days, yet these JWs don't believe it. It's amazing how in sentence they'll acknowledge they've been duped by the GB into believing that Armageddon is near, but now that's not true, then ironically, state JWs must still believe the GB.


    I just remembered a comment that truly shows the brainwashed condition of JWs. One sister commented on a picture in the WT. It's on page 25, but I can't post it right now. So we have 65 year old Robert and his wife. The sister says, " I love this picture. We see the illustration of them learning a foreign language and then studying with a young woman. Then we see the ACTUAL picture of them in service."

    Seriously??? JWs believe that what they see in the WT are actual pictures?!?!? Like the WTBTS actually photographed them in service and put that picture in the WT tractazine?!?!? Every thing is staged, just like jw.borg!! It's not real!! It's an advertisement!

    Oh well, at least Robert and his wife converted one person in ten years. I believe that is a new record according to the average statistics on conversion.



  • nowwhat?

    in our hall in suburban cleveland, everyone is as happy as ever, they LIVE for field service, even though no one has come in since the mid 1970's. they can't wait for the next serving of poop sandwich. i know i am the only one that knows ttat.

  • Londo111

    I noticed that as a JW, the friends would comment even on the details of drawings and painted pictures, as though the drawings were an exact representation of the subject. By the time we were covering the book on Acts, I was already awake and couldn’t help but chuckle to myself as people commented on the drawings of Festus and Agrippa, comparing and contrasting the two on the basis of the drawings alone.

    Perhaps at some level some JWs believe the drawings to be inspired.

  • punkofnice

    Looks like entropy is creeping or crept in to the WBT$

  • JustVisting


    That's b/c study conductor's routinely harp on the photos by asking the audience to pick out the learning points.

    Like I the Jeremiah book where they show a young sister with punk hairdo/clothes being counseled by the elders. She's looking away from them with a F.U. attitude (photo 1).

    (photo 2): show her looking at a field service photo of her in her goody JW days, while she sits in her run-down apt., baby in the crib, dead-beat boytoy past out drunk on the sofa.

    Photo 3: she sees the error of her ways, cleans herself up, sheds a few tears of genuine repentance and is welcomed back to the congo with open arms, her daughter in tow.

    moral of the photo montage: listen, obey, be bleesed.


    It seemed to me that everyone in my KH has accepted the fact that they will die. That's all they kept saying,

    even the WT conducting Eldumb said, " We have to teach the next generation because we won't be here forever.."


    ............Your Going To Live Forever!..And.....................................WTF??!!..

    .......................Your Going To Die!!...................................Did He Just Say That?!..


    ........................................................................................................................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • hoser

    you are right dd. they believe that they will get old and die. the honesty slips through the cracks sometimes.

  • wasblind

    " We have to teach the next generation because we won't be here forever "___WT conducting Eldumb

    That Brother is finally " Awake "


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