"Foursquare" at Dachau

by Quendi 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quendi

    @emeth: :-) Actually, I have engaged in serious research in theoretical mathematics for quite a few years, so I know something about conducting it. I don't read or understand German, so I hesitated to move in that direction. Nor did I want to rely exclusively on Wikipedia and/or WTS sources with their well-known inaccuracies and other lacunae. Those were the chief reasons I enlisted the help of others and was very pleased to have received it. But you might want to learn a little more about a person before you pillory their character or abilities. If you learn to offer your assistance without looking down your nose at others, you will accomplish a lot of good. As Abraham Lincoln said once, "You'll draw more flies with a drop of honey than you will with a gallon of gall (vinegar)." That being said, I want to thank you again for your answers to my question. My gratitude goes as well to everyone else who contributed to this thread.



  • fastJehu

    @ Quendi:

    On the german wiki you can search for " Baranowsky". How to do:

    <ctrl> & <F> is the shortcut to open a search box.
    Insert the name you are searching for.

    Also you can use: translate.google.com

    to translate the german page.

    Another link for you: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=41276&start=0

    Good luck.

  • emeth

    @Quendi oh i do read and speak german and i can assure you its very clear

    also see this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Baranowski

    run this search on google : "Hermann Baranowski Dachau"

  • snowbird
  • snowbird
  • prologos

    Whenever I read of these accounts of sadistic behaviour, the truth about them is apparent to me, because we, in the youth camps were subjected to similar, but milder bizarre punishments, apparently for our training and the gratification of the "Leaders" who really were the school bullies appointed, but on the loose.Come to think of it, it was harsher on open, and closet dissenters.

    That is why we were not nazi believers but underground rebels.

    hard to understand, extreme cruelty surfaced during those years, and it still can be seen sporadically around the world now.

  • snowbird

    This is a picture of Hermann Baranowski from Google images.


  • Quendi

    Many, many thanks to all of you once more for your help on this question.


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