Why do JWs segregate themselves?

by WinstonWigglesworth 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Matty

    That is the quandary - we are encouraged to find out about other religions, but only using the society's publications, such as "Mankind's Search For God". The sole purpose of learning about them is simply to be able to witness to people of other faiths effectively. We need to find "Common Ground" in order to soften their spirit - a good example of this is that Witnesses can talk to Muslims about using images in worship.

  • Earnest

    I agree with you up to a point, OldHippie. I haven't given in a report for twenty years and they simply state on my card that I don't report for reasons of conscience. No problem.

    However, if I regularly attended another church then I think pressure would be brought to bear. This would probably differ from congregation to congregation - some would express disapproval, others would remove "priveleges", and others would say I had disassociated myself by joining another faith.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Here is one quote from The Watchtower magazine that may shed some dark on the subject:


    "No Ecumenism

    17 Two other complaints made against Jehovah's Witnesses are that they refuse to take part in the ecumenical movement and that they engage in what is termed "aggressive proselytizing." Both of these reproaches were also flung at the early Christians. Christendom, with her Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant components, is undeniably a part of this world. Like Jesus, Jehovah's Witnesses "are no part of the world." (John 17:14) How could they ally themselves through interfaith movements with religious organizations that promote unchristian conduct and beliefs?

    18 Who can justifiably criticize Jehovah's Witnesses for believing, as did the early Christians, that they alone are practicing the true religion? Even the Catholic Church, while hypocritically claiming to cooperate with the ecumenical movement, proclaims: "We believe that this one true religion continues to exist in the Catholic and Apostolic Church, to which the Lord Jesus entrusted the task of spreading it among all men when he said to the apostles: 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.'" (Vatican Council II, "Declaration on Religious Liberty") Apparently, though, such belief is not sufficient to infuse Catholics with indefatigable zeal in going forth to make disciples."

    Historically the JWs have had a jones for the Catholic Church especially, but ANY other religion is FALSE and would be a contaminant of true religion. "Spiritual Trooth," you see, unlike REAL Truth, cannot withstand the assault of falsehoods.

  • TheOldHippie

    A question, Earnest:
    What about the so-called "privileges"; for rather obvious reasons, it's a bit difficult to be appointed an auxhilliary prioneer if one does not report hours, but what about ministerial servant / public prayers / literature distribution etc. - are you given any of these jobs?

  • Room 215
    Room 215


    One of the most pervasive JW myths is that ``the world out there'' is a monolith of self-interest, immorality and negativity, and that JWs alone have a monopoly on decency, honesty, morality and industriousness. How else can they sell the notion that all of them out there need the JW message and literature or they will die a violent death at God's hands?
    Since any JW whose work or personal circumstances take him/her into regular contact with a broad range of outsiders soon learns otherwise, it's in leadership's interest to do what they can to inhibit JW interaction with the outside world, ideally limiting it only to preaching to ``worldlings.''

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire
    shed some dark on the subject

    Lol at Natas.

  • Earnest

    OldHippie, you asked:

    What about the so-called "privileges"; for rather obvious reasons, it's a bit difficult to be appointed an auxhilliary prioneer if one does not report hours, but what about ministerial servant / public prayers / literature distribution etc. - are you given any of these jobs?

    At the time I concluded reporting field service was affecting my motivation I had been a ministerial servant for ten years, had given public talks, conducted cong. book studies, been responsible for literature distribution etc. What I have found is that I can do most things short of official recognition. I am not and will not be approved as a ministerial servant/elder. Hence, no more public talks (other than the Ministry School). No conducting cong. book studies. Public prayers are ok and so is leading field service in a semi-official capacity. My impression is that attitudes will differ from one congregation to another but there is probably an official edict that you cannot be appointed as a ms/elder if you do not report field service.


  • DanTheMan

    Seems like JW isolationism goes far beyond not socializing with non-JW's and not attending other churches.

    In the congregations that I was associated with, it seemed that there was a certain pattern of secular work that many of the bros and sissies were engaged in -

    Self-employed cleaning business
    Self-employed power-wash business
    self-employed car striping business (I think JW's have the market cornered on this one, at least in Columbus Ohio)
    self-employed lawn business
    construction outfit of JW's only, or mostly
    truck/delivery driver

    These are the types of jobs that many JW's seem the most comfortable with, as it allows them to have virtually no contact with the "world", so as not to create any doubt in their mind that the "world" is as degenerate as the F&DS continually tells them it is.

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