NotBlind that was an excellent summary.
EmptyInside said, “I think a lot of Witnesses are on auto-pilot, just going through the motions.”
I have faded completely for five years. My wife is still “all in.” But she has noticed a lot of sisters are starting to show extreme signs of wear and tear. Many appear to have a marginal interest in so-called theocratic activities. She’s noticed a few of these women are the wives of elders. I myself will listen to the meeting on the phone hook-up several times a year. I do this out of curiosity and to gauge the congregation spirit, since I had served there for many years and still remember everyone. A lot of sincere, caring families that I still miss.
Five years ago when I faded, the enthusiasm level of this congregation was pathetic. By listening over the phone I’ve discovered that the comments have become more lifeless and robotic than I ever remember. The elder’s talks are even more monotonous and uninspiring.
We live in what is considered an affluent community. Many of your “worldly ones” are business men, the men & women are well educated living in 3000 to 4000 sq. ft. homes. The congregation too has some brothers like this. Since I’ve been living here for almost two decades, I was always amazed at the shortage in monthly contributions when the accounts report was read out. This happened for years until I finally left. We were always short, but the brothers had no shortage of funds landscaping and fertilizing their large properties, vacations overseas, & a new leased SUV every 2-3 years etc. Just recently the report was read and again there was almost a $1000 shortfall between contributions and monthly expenses.
So I thought nothing has really changed since I left other than the JW’s have become even more wearisome, and stressed out. In five years away I have worn a suit and tie only once, to attend a funeral. When you’re not on the WTS treadmill of meetings, commenting, assemblies, field service, hall cleaning, annual meeting, tract campaigns, and rubbing shoulders with a few backstabbing brothers, life is real good.
I’m convinced that 2015, 2016, 2017……will produce even greater feelings of apathy, fatigue, and a general feeling of being duped. The families that I used to associate with, my generation in the 50-65 demographics, I know, have not prepared themselves financially for getting old. The reality of this whole charade is silently being acknowledged in many JW’s minds. They have responded with their indifference and feelings of malaise. But more so they are responding & will continue to respond in future years with their wallets.