Shared some TTATT with my wife and now she wants us to have a weekly personal bible study

by suavojr 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • suavojr

    Here is the situation...

    A young 19 year old in our congo had a fallout with his parents because of all the restrictions and JW dogma and moved out of the house last Wednesday.

    To make the story short, the parents went running to the elders and what was the comfort?

    COE said: I saw that coming! Your son never reached out to get baptized.

    Then the other elder said: Don't worry, you still have one left that will be saved. Your 8 year old is on good track.

    They ended the conversation talking about what big J wants from us, how they need to be better parents, how they need to teach that kid a lesson. Etc...

    So there you have it folks, the best advise and help these parents needed to help their son come back home.

    On Friday night they (the parents and good friends) called us to stop by the house and have dinner with the family. Around 9:30pm the secretary elder showed up unannounced (and was not part of the two elders who spoke with the parents) took the dad outside and started hammering him. My wife and I had to leave at 10pm and guess what? This elder who thinks he is a star in the hands of Jesus proceeded to talk down to the parents.

    I am not going to disclose everything because is all the same, parents have an issue with their kids and they get a beating and elders look for a way to punish the naive young ones.

    Well yesterday after our boring morning meeting, I took my wife to eat out and went to the mall. I saw this as an opportunity to talk about the problems within the borg and the lack of love. I had a long conversation with my wife on how these elders act like the pharisees.

    I don't have time to type our entire afternoon conversation... but out of the blue she asked me before going to sleep, honey why don't we study the bible together, just the bible? This should be fun.

    What sections of the bible should we start reading? Any advise?

  • mauiboy

    wow....what an opportunity. Try not to overwhelm your wife. I wish mine would be so open. Anyway, take a look at Mt 28:19 regarding Jesus instructions on baptism; "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit (ghost)". Ask her if she has ever heard those words at a meeting, let alone a baprism talk. She might object that the questions asked baptismal candidates reflect that thought when they are asked "do you acknowledge that you are now recognized as one of J.W.'s?"......but a gentle reminder of the warnings in the Bible not to add to--or take away from---it's words or instructions might crack the door open for more critical thinking.

    Best of luck. Please keep us posted.

  • suavojr

    good one mauiboy! I will start making notes

  • nonjwspouse

    I'm not sure of the threads, but there are some that suggests specific books. Maybe Romans and John ? I forgot. If others can help please do so. There are specific books that are excellent to begin with.

  • KateWild

    It really depends on what you believe yourself and what you want to teach your wife. I think Bart Ehrman is a credible bible scholar, he lectures on the Gospels. He teaches that the bible's accounts cannot all be right. For example, who was with Martha in the tomb of Jesus when he was resurected? It depends which gospel you read, they are all different and cannot all be right.

    Before I listened to his lecture I did not have much faith that the bible was from God, after listening he confirmed my bias. It really depends on what you want her to learn first. You can start with the gospels to see if what I say is correct.

    Here is Bart's lecture. Kate xx

  • suavojr

    Thanks Kate but my wife is not ready for that level of truth. She also believes in the WT God and I cannot forget she has a cult mentality, so I just want to find some books in the bible that show what followers of Christ really believed and show her the contradictions with the way she worships, etc...

  • ILoveTTATT

    So many things Suavojr!!

    I would stay away from strict doctrine and stick to principles... For example, contrast Jesus with the Pharisees, focus on how they went to crazy lengths to make more laws... And how Jesus condemned that.

    Also focus on the part of the Sabbath and how Jesus pretty much said it is OK to put the Law aside for a moment to save a life...

  • KateWild

    For example, contrast Jesus with the Pharisees, focus on how they went to crazy lengths to make more laws... And how Jesus condemned that. - ILT

    That's a good way to go too. Matt Ch 23 helped me see that not all was well in the cong. The elders were placing heavy burdens on us as a family and my kids could see they were behaving as the pharisees. Similar is true of your cong, the elders are placing heavy loads on your dear friends.

    Once we see a local problem than we can be more open that it's an organisational problem. Kate xx

  • Fernando

    Your wife is definitely onto something, and might be behaving discreetly while (instinctively?) knowing more about the Watchtower than she is letting on...

    Reading Romans carefully until it opens up is a great way to go. Maybe Galatians thereafter.

    Possibly mark each occurence of the words "righteous" and "righteousness". You will notice that Paul and the Watchtower are definitely not on the same page.

    Comparing Bible translations can help get ones mind out of the rut of the familiar.

    The Message Bible can be a big help.

    Best wishes for you and your family.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Might as well start with Genesis :


    GENESIS 34:13 Shechem had premarital sex with Jacob’s daughter Dinah, which angered Jacob’s sons. Shechem and his father, Hamor, agreed to circumcision for the men in the city in order for Shechem to marry Dinah and make Jacob’s other daughters eligible for the men of the city. Three days later, while the men were still enduring the pain of circumcision, Jacob’s sons attacked the unsuspecting city, killing Shechem and Hamor with swords, looting the city, seizing the flocks, herds, possessions and wealth, plundering the houses and carrying off their women and children.

    GENESIS 6 & 7 Unhappy with the wickedness of man, God killed every living thing on the planet except Noah’s family. Men, women, infants and animals drowned in unimaginable terror and agony.

    GENESIS 19:6- In Sodom, Lot’s home was assaulted by a homosexual mob seeking to have relations with two angels. Lot volunteered his virgin daughters to the crowd, saying "you can do what you like with them" as long as the guests are left alone. After offering his children to be raped, Lot was then appointed by God as worthy of rescue from Sodom’s destruction.

    GENESIS 19:26: God, still unfazed by the proposed rape of Lot’s virgin daughters, turned Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt for the heinous crime of looking over her shoulder.

    GENESIS 38: 8-10 – Onan was instructed by Judah to lay with his brother’s wife to produce offspring for his brother (who was put to death by God for wickedness). Onan slept with his brother’s wife but "spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother" (NIV). God found this wicked, so God killed him.

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