So how many of us had guilt pangs because our WT was not highlighted?

by cultBgone 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinarut2

    Oh amazing that we fell for the trap that if we were truely "spiritual" then we would have colour and pen marks all over our pages!

    As if that actually helps, when the format of the studies is so repetitive and childish that a point gets read, then questioned, then answered several times each paragraph! It is like the methods teachers use on primary school kids to learn the math tables!

    "1 times 2 is?..." (children all repeat it back in unison....)

    If we are "full grown mature spiritual people" then we dont need to have colour on our pages to show it! it just for an outward appearance!??? yes, isnt that what this org is all about? Outward appearances!

  • Phizzy

    Here in the U.K I was not unique in not highlighting, and a good majority of the Congo never even read the WT before the Study, you could tell.

    I never felt guilty about this, why should I ?

  • stuckinarut2

    So if we are worried about what others think, then we should buy "study savers"

    (in the style of a late night tv shopping network advert...)

    "New 'study savers'!"

    "Clear A4 sheets of thin film plastic with lines of colour all over the pages...How does it work you ask?"

    "well, simply hold the film over the unmarked pages of the WT and 'wow', instantly turns an unmarked WT into a magazine that any spiritually mature person would crave to have!"

    "But wait, there's more...if you order now, we will throw in the advanced student or 'reaching out' study saver...with 'added margin notes' to really show that you are a seriously studious spiritual person!"

    Order yours now on...blah blah blah...

  • cultBgone

    stuck, that's toooooooo funny!!! mebbe we can sell some!

  • blondie

    If anyone said something, I would say if you didn't comment, highlighting was no proof you studied.

  • Angus Beef
    Angus Beef

    always ones with 2 to 3 different colors on their, I guess they were more rightous.

    Then even more rightous started bringing ipads & kindles... well I guess downloading them made you more studious.

    I started bringing my kindle when I hadnt studied, no one could make any comment, if they did, I'd say I dont know how you'd mark on one

    of these things! Glad I don't have to do any thing like this anymore. Not a WT or AW in my house now.

    If I did study and got my mag marked. I'd make sure to mark up my husbands enough so that he either had an answer or brother mic could see some effort in his hands. Sometimes the kids would copy the markings... I guess that's why 2/3rds of us are out now. We didn't faithfully study. But boy do we research now!!!!

  • KateWild

    I was always a goody goody and prepared always. I was very studious and spent a great deal of time on this. I think now what a waste, but to be fair the more you study the WT material the more you can recognise the hypocrisy, I had to put so much on the "wait on Jehovah" shelf that when I was at a point to learn TTATT I had so many issues already, due to diligent study habits.

    Kate xx

  • hoser

    I've mostly overcome the fear of man that the watchtower tries to instill in us. I don't mark mine anymore. Mrs hoser underlines it a paragraph or so ahead during the study. Another reason I don't highlight is because that is how they look for brothers reaching out for more work privileges.

  • Oubliette

    Been there, done that. In retrospect, I realize that JWs are all about appearances.

    It's pretty ironic, really. JWs: a religion based on the idea that their King, Jesus, has been invisibly present for the last century.

    They should highlight that!

  • KateWild

    oub, haha like it. Kate xx

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