40 Years Today

by Still Totally ADD 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesirousOfChange


    40 years is quite an achievement!


  • KateWild

    Congratulations and well done

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    Thank you all for your kind wishes.

    Still Totally ADD and I were married 40 years ago in a kingdom hall in Florida. Before they would let us use the hall we had to be questioned as to whether we had done anything to bring reproach on Jehovah, ie, did we have any form of sex? And was everyone in our wedding party in good standing in the congregation? I walked down the aisle in a pink satin wedding dress. My husband told me later, much later, that the rumor mill was working overtime speculating whether or not I was a virgin!!!

    I am so much happier in our UU congregation; no condescention, no judgment, just genuine happiness for us.

    To my husband: We've had good times and we've had rough times and we've been made stronger and closer for it. I couldn't have chosen a better life partner. My love and respect and admiration for you has grown so much over the years and especially since we left the cult together. Love you very much.

    Reopened Mind

  • Oubliette

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