what if

by raven101 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • raven101

    Don't know if this is the appropriate place to post this it certainly isn't a JW belief and I don't believe in believing (much of anything), but I'm always theorizing always speculatin' and heres a particular speculation I've been hypothesizing for some while now, something a really powerful post in this forum inspired me to throw out here for your perusal. Whatever the reaction, your sure to have one!


    Think about this, you know suffering, struggling, forging on . . . what if we each individually and as a collective WHOLE of physical beings are THE CHRIST?

    Further, what if that were true and not only were we redeeming ourselves but in some unknown cosmic equation (the spiritual separation of yin-yang perhaps . . . somehow the resolution of that) we were the factor in the equation necessary for the spirit world to continue? Wouldn't that be wild, wouldn't that be a horse of an entirely different color?!

    What's more would that make us Satan AND Christ?

    I'm already pretty sure were God, why not be all three?

    (I just threw in that Satan part but I guess if the first part were true that would be too)

    Besides the expected barrage of denunciations I'd love to hear from those of you intested in, or capable of, speculation on such a possibility . . . what would be the implications of that? Think about it, just think about it for a minute, I promise you won't be struck by lightning or spontaneously combust (at least I haven't yet).

    Hmmmmm, I wonder. . .


  • Naeblis

    I can't be Christ, I'm Popeye. Tut tut tut.

  • dedalus

    Dude, that is like, totally fucking out there, man!


  • SYN

    Oh boy, you just stuck your foot inside a Bulldog Ant nest of quite significant proportions, my dear man!

    "If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."

  • 4horsemen

    I'm Spartacus!

    No, I AM Tiger Woods!

    Be your own Messiah.

  • maynard

    This idea is nothing new, it was thought of six thousand years ago. This is the original lie from Satan that Eve believed and plunged the world into moral decay. This is the very lie we need redemption from.

    Gen3:4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. 5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."


  • Elsewhere

    In school, my algebra teacher would always say "Jesus Christ!" when she got frustrated - I always make it a point to say: "Yes?"

    Pissed her off like you wouldn't believe!

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • PopeOfEruke

    Finally, after all these years, something to explain these 2 great fu**king holes in my hands...

    The Pope

  • Cassiline

    Hey Pope those holes could come in handy( pun intended ) if you were without, lets say company for the evening!


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Introspection

    I would agree that the idea is not new, but reading it in a different way. There are atleast two traditions which recognizes non-duality, including but not limited to Advaita Vedanta as well as Buddhism. This is hard for people who believe in the traditional concept of God to understand, or in fact any one of us and more so those living in an individualistic society, but another way of expressing it is that there is only spirit, and that all is one unified whole.

    This doesn't mean that you as an individual human has absolute knowledge and power and can do whatever you want, but it typically involves a kind of surrender, you might even say being one with God. (which is, of course a different statement from being God in the typical dualistic sense) Instead of a literal understanding of this scripture in Genesis, a non-dual understanding would be that duality itself began, "knowing good and evil". In it's fundamental form it is a type of fragmentation, the distinction between self and other, which could extend to psychopathologies within the individual like multiple personalities and schizophrenia. Basically, a dualistic understanding of things such as the perspective of good and evil is a relative one, simply by the fact that you have to define one thing by it's opposite. Furthermore, if it is relative, it is also not absolute, not permanent. Each one is defined by the other.

    The phenomena which we call evil, then, is not the "other side" from this perspective, but rather it is a kind of imbalance (consider justice) from extremes, perhaps the best example of this is the abusive and immoral behavior we see in religious authorities. Regardless of how exactly this manifests, the underlying condition is typically a matter of taking the relative to be absolute, and since it is the nature of the relative to turn around toward it's opposite, often it snaps back hard going to the other extreme. So an example might be how one person becomes self righteous in their views, and in asserting those views as absolute they react violently to the views of others, not realizing that both these views are fundamentally relative in nature.

    In fact, in a way this is also a reaction to the absolute truth, because by holding on to a limited, relative truth as absolute they deny the REAL absolute because theirs wasn't that to begin with, but they take it to be that out of ignorance. Yet another side to this behavior is that one clings to ideas in terms of the absolute so tightly that they ignore all things relative, (like their relatives, perhaps..) whereas things like dealing with people is just what happens in life as a human. Not only that, one with this attitude may fail to see that ideas by their very nature ARE relative, and by clinging to them they can never possess the truth, as even abstract concepts expressed through tools like language only POINTS to the absolute truth, AT BEST. On that note, I'll end my efforts at pointing.

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