Thank God for Friends

by kheli 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • kheli

    I've been DF'd since last September. I haven't heard from my ex-best friend in about 6 months. So all of a sudden she emails me yesterday asking one simple question:

    "Are you really pregnant?"

    So of course I did not answer the question but I did bring to her attention that she has never replied to my (business related) what prompts her to email me now?

    Here's her reply:

    "Yeah your right and I know I shouldn't have emailed you at all, but I heard that you were w/ child and hoped that even if you didn't come back to Jehovah for yourself you would for your baby who doesn't deserve a life w/ Satan."

    Hmmmm.[8>] In between the uncontrollable laughter, I'm not sure of how I'm going to reply to this just yet.

    Any ideas?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Are you planning on shacking up with the Lord Of Darkness or were you just gonna leave the kid on His Infernal Majesty's doorstep?

  • joeshmoe

    If Satan does 3AM diaper duty, I'd stick with him.

  • kheli

    LOL @ Nathan & Joeshmoe

    You wouldn't believe the babysitting rate that I'm getting!

  • Prisca

    OMG, I have no idea what I would say in response to such a question, or the response from her!

    It really shows that JWs think we have left God once we leave the JWs. In many many cases, it's more the opposite.

    Maybe you should ask your friend if she is so concerned about your "baby", then perhaps she's willing to babysit and she can witness to your pagan child all she likes!

  • Flip
    ...I'm not sure of how I'm going to reply to this just yet.

    Apparently a response is undeserved. Unless you like hanging onto dysfunctional friends, perhaps it's best you ditch the...sister and shuffle on down the line, life is way to short for that nonsense.


  • kheli

    Point taken Flip. I have way too much to focus on now.

  • Kismet

    Send her the definition of love as is found in 1st Corinthians. Then ask her how her email could fall into any of those categories.

    Tell her you miss her friendship but never realized until now how judmental and cold hearted she was. Wish her well and then silently thank whatever diety you may believe in if any that you are no longer of that sort.

    It is tough to go through this kind of thing, but the high road has a great view!!


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Kheli, I've known this org. since the late forties and I have seen many come and go, even myself.

    I had a personal friend that left the org. for twenty-five years and I stayed in contact with him during that time period. About 15 years ago he returned to the org. and you know what? Now that the shoe is on the other foot, he hasn't called me once even though he said he would, in fact, I call him even to this day and we speak as if though I am not expelled. Have I ever mentioned it to him? No, maybe, just maybe a situation will arise that I will, however, I doubt it, as we have a good talking relationship. I also visit him when I'm in home town and he welcomes me with no problem.

    I perfectly understand where your coming from. You know your friend better than I do. I hope I have given you something to think about.

    Interesting how experiences can be alike yet treated differently. Please think first and give yourself some time.

    Guest 77

  • Scully


    your "friend" writes:

    "Yeah your right and I know I shouldn't have emailed you at all, but I heard that you were w/ child and hoped that even if you didn't come back to Jehovah for yourself you would for your baby who doesn't deserve a life w/ Satan."
    This comment leaves me dumbfounded, for its sheer haughtiness and judgemental tone. When I confided to a JW "friend" that I was considering taking a 'vacation' from The Truth™ I got a similar response. She told me: If you're going to turn your back on The Truth™, you might as well take your three beautiful children out in the back yard and blow their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon™ and will have a resurrection in The Paradise™.

    It was those words - which I can still hear as though they were just spoken (even though this happened several years ago) - that crystallized my decision to make a 'vacation' from the JWs into a permanent 'retirement' from them. I stood up from the table where we were having coffee, walked out of the restaurant, and never spoke to her again.

    Using children as pawns in their attempt to make you feel guilty about leaving the JWs is about as underhanded and disgusting as it gets. Maybe you should send her a link to the news reports about pedophiles within the JWs, and tell her that you're planning on doing everything any good parent would do to protect their child from predators within the organization. But it's more than likely that such a report will be blindly ignored. Best to ignore her e-mail completely, or tell her that YOU do not wish to hear from her again. (Turn the tables and treat HER like she's DF'd.)

    Love, Scully

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