Troubling experience at 1 day assembly re: little jw child

by williamhconley 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    This is so pathetic. I hope it wasn't a real story because not teaching children how to reason and think can cause them to lose their life. There is nothing cute about this story at all.

    Searcher, my husband was a born in and he hated school because he always felt left out. He wanted to play football and his mom wouldn't allow it but she did let him run track and play baseball which is more than most are allowed to do.

  • AlphaMan

    The teacher asked him why didn't he walk out with the rest of his classmates and the boy answered "well I know christmas is bad and also birthdays but firedrills....Im not too sure so I stayed". The audience laughed and applauded...


    Just wow......the audience laughed and applauded. Those poor little JW kids get so brainwashed by the Watchtower that they don't even know what normal things to do. It went right over the audience's head how cultic this experience the Bethel speaker related was.

    To JW lurkers out there......please get your children out of this cult so that they can begin to have normal happy lives.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I imagine the parents would teach that child how to open his Watchtower Library on a computer and search for "fire drill."

    Then another day, he could search for "show and tell" and "field trips" to learn if it's okay to interact and participate. As he gets older, he can look up "calculus" and "evolution" and "dating" and he can never ever have to think about anything.

  • SecretHeart11

    Man that makes me so sad. I don't know how people could have clapped at that!!

  • wasblind

    To : OUTLAW from WUZ



    Mom : How was your day at school Caleb ?

    Caleb : We had a fire drill. Everybody left the building . I waited on Jehovah instead

    Mom : That's right Caleb. We should " Listen , obey and be Blessed "

    Caleb : Yea. I didn't hear nothin' from Jehovah so I stayed put

    Mom: Good boy Caleb

    Caleb : The teacher said you shoulda named me after Elvis , Maybe then, I would have " Left the Building"

    Mom :

    Caleb : Who's Elvis ?????




    Caleb : We had a fire drill. Everybody left the building . I waited on Jehovah instead

    Caleb : The teacher said you shoulda named me after Elvis, Maybe then, I would have " Left the Building"......................WasBlind

    ..........Ladies and Gentlemen..................................Thank You!.........................Dam That Trouble Making WasBlind!..

    ......Calvis Has Left The Building......................Thank You Very Much!................Now The WBT$ Looks Stupid Again..


    ............................................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • wasblind

    OMG!!!! Calvis!!!!!!!!



    A Hunk a Hunk a burnin' luv



    A first grade class was having a fire drill. Everyone ( except one) lined up and stood outside away fron the classroom in the grass. The 1st grade teacher noticed that 1 child was missing. She went to the classroom and the little JW boy had his head down over his arms. The teacher asked him why didn't he walk out with the rest of his classmates and the boy answered "well I know christmas is bad and also birthdays but firedrills....Im not too sure so I stayed".

    ........You Aint Nothing But a WatchTard

    Your Too Dumb To Leave a Burning Building.................Another Shitty Day at School..

    .........And You Aint No Friend Of Mine.......................................Thanks WBT$!..


    ..................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • snowbird

    I heard that story some time ago when I was still in the organization.

    I did not join in the applause.

    So sad.

    LOL @ Outlaw and Wuz!


  • wasblind

    OUTLAW is bad association Syl

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