JW's Never Closed the Door On A Russian King of the North

by scotoma 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • transhuman68

    LOL, the 1951 WTS book 'What Has Religion Done For Mankind' has a chapter titled "Red Religion and The Man of lawlessness" - and yep, that was the commies, led by Stalin at that time. Communism was grouped with the rest of Babylon the Great back then- which is kind of nutty, but what else would you expect, LOL?

  • QuestioningEverything

    I remember this prophecy well. I was young and interested in world events. As i got a little older I noticed the, only slightly veiled nationalist overtones implied in those statements. It occured to me how lucky I was to be going door to door in USA! It's a lot easier to preach about the great anglo american dual world power being victorious...if you lived in the anglo american countries. Imagine knockning on someones door, waking them up and saying that.... in Russia or China or practically anywhere else.

    How often does anyone actually hear the term... anglo american dual world power? It's like the GB's version of wonder twins !!!

  • apostatethunder

    If we go by the WT interpretation of Daniel, the logical king of the north would now be al quaeda.

    But it is quite strange to identify the king of the south as anglo-america when historically and politically, England and America acted as foes of the real king of the south: Rome, which is still standing as the roots of our western Christian civilization.

    The so called anglo-american power is more fit as the king of the north, trying to pass as the king of the south since the famous french revolution that debilitated the whole continent costing over 6 million lives and that ironically catapulted Britain as the new world power.

    So at this point, we can safely conclude that the king of the south is the natural heir of R-O-M-E, and that the king of the north is Wall Street or the usur-per.

    It is clear is that the king of the south is the one linked with God's people and that means that the king of the north are their enemies, whoever they might be.

  • kaik

    Really nobody knows what is what and which country, organization, alliance, and ethnicity represent Kings of the North and South. Russia can disintegrate and some part can become part of EU, while Muslim region like Tatarstan can link with their heritage brethens in Central Asia. Nowhere is set that USA will not disintegrate, nor China can control most of the world like they did in 1220-1296 under the khans where some of the Mongol troops got as far as Gaza and Jerusalem. UK never controlled Europe nor Rome. This only happened to Napoleon and A.Hitler in modern times and Charlemange and Justinian in the early medieval times.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Failed presumptous prediction no.1364 by the arrogant religious fanatic cult leaders in New York.

  • transhuman68

    The Watchtower Society seemed to have everything worked out way back in the last half of the 20th century, but the world has changed too much; and in too many different ways. What is the king of the north now? Just an unwilling de-facto part of the European Union. The old U.S.S.R. was ideologically opposed to the West, and armed any nation that was opposed to the West- in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean etc. Whereas Russia today is much more pragmatic and economically driven, and much less powerful.

  • Rattigan350

    The Daniel book in 1993 merely said that with the disbanding of the USSR and the berlin wall going down, it is not the king like it used to be.

    Then it asked the question of will a nation that was with the former USSR be the KoN when the future prophesies are fulfilled?

    It does not exclude Russia from being the KoN.

    But then why should we care about the reasoning of the Watchtower books?

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    But then why should we care about the reasoning of the Watchtower books?

    Never a truer word spoken!


  • TableForOne

    I used to love to read the prophecies of Kings of North/South and speculate about identities.

    I concluded that the King of the North would turn out to be the UN. I came to this conclusion because it appeared that the unfulfilled part of the prophecy appeared to show that both Kings would have a common interest in ridding the earth of true worshippers, rather than continuing to attack each other.

    According to the Revelation book, the UN is clearly going to play a huge role in banning religion worldwide.

    Recently I realised that I wasn't in 'the Truth', that there is no 'Truth'.

    Now, I'm in the process of untangling all of the indoctrination of 22 years.

    Therefore, I currently understand NOTHING.

    As a JW, world events never used to give me anxiety, because I 100% believed it would all be ok in the end.

    Now, I have no idea what the future holds, which is a sad part about realising TTATT.

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