The first step toward apostasy

by Socrateswannabe 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Socrateswannabe

    "The first step toward apostasy is a drop in field service activity."

    I have read that statement in WTS publications and heard it many times from the platform. I haven't studied philosphy so I'm not sure what type of logical fallacy this is an example of, but it is one for sure. Once you learn TTATT, you naturally are less likely to want to share with others what you now know is a lie.

  • KateWild

    I don't suppose you have any WT references. I would love to see an article on that. Kate xx

  • jgnat

    How about "The first sign of defection is a drop in field service activity."

  • Socrateswannabe

    Looks like I was following the WT policy of 'say whatever you want and no one will question it'! I looked in the WT Library and don't see any backing for my statement, although I'm sure I didn't just dream this. Maybe someone else can put their finger on a quote. Otherwise, I'm sure others have heard it from the platform as I know I have. I'll be more careful in my statments in future. The audience at JWN are not pushovers like the ones at the Kingdom Halls!

  • LostGeneration

    I've heard it phrased as "The first step toward falling out of the truth", not apostasy.

    Falling out is at least tolerable to them, they hope you will come running back after you snort coke and have group sex with midgets. With apostasy, you are equal to the Devil himself.

  • maninthemiddle

    I remember that statement from a poster here recently telling about their SAD.

    I've not sure I read that, the usual printed schtick is something like "they don't feel they have go door to door"

  • Phizzy

    I think this is a typical example of their fear tactics. And of course, if you up your F.S in response, you naturally have to shove your doubts to the back of your mind. You then may stay in for a few more years, and contribute some more $$$.

    I think it is true in many cases, as soon as someone of honest heart and integrity detects that something is gravely wrong, how can they in all decency go out and sell that thing to unsuspecting members of the public ?

  • quellycatface

    Proud to be apostate.


    Actually, the first step is honest logical reasoning. This is why the WTBTS must use mis-information tactics and revise their own history. Otherwise, the Empire would fall. You start skipping field circus when you realize what BS it is..


  • ingimar

    You say "apostacy" like it's a bad thing.

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