New Article on about gay people

by ateograciasadios 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • krejames

    This is an older article (I think two or three years old) reposted on website. yes all very politically correct compared to their stance up to the early nineties when you were told to report to an elder if you thought you might be gay. some if their early 70s articles on the topic are so way off it's almost funny until you realise what psychogical effect they must have had on gay bros and sisters at the time.

  • smiddy

    If I watch a movie and unbeknown to me their comes a scene where two males engage in a sexual relationship , i`m sorry but I just cant handle that , my brain turns off . But thats just me , I cant help how I fell .I dont judge homosexual men , thats their business I just dont want to be confronted with it on the screen.I have freinds and family that are gay ,I dont judge them .

    However , and this is the confusing part , if I see two females in a sexual relationship in a movie or TV show , I am not repulsed at all ,if anything I can be turned on . Am I gay ? LOL....just saying. ( and just in case you dont know I have been a faithfull husband to my wife for 54 years )


  • steve2

    Smiddy you are so lucky: The incidence of 2 men kissing on screen remains relatively rare. Like a lot of others, you may find it less objectionable to see males on screen fighting and beating one another to a pulp than - shock, horror - being loving to one another! That is harder to stomach - I admire your restraint and tolerance. Gay men should be grateful to men like you - I know I am but I doubt I'm representative. Imagine living in a world in which you are surrounded by men and women publically and unabashedly displaying their affection for one another and thinking absolutely nothing of it. Oh, we do. Each day I am surrounded by heterosexuals loving each other. And good on them. Hey, I'm a broadminded kind of guy - just like you - provided they don't force it down my throat - no pun intended.

  • rebel8

    IMHO there's a difference between not personally preferring or enjoying something on the screen vs. judging it to be immoral.

    I saw a program about a certain sexual fetish once. I can't fathom why anyone would like to do that. I don't personally prefer it. I don't enjoy watching it. If I ever happen to come across it again, I will not watch it. But they're consenting adults and it's not immoral.

  • steve2

    I once watched a world of nature TV program in which the narrator apologetically warned viewers that the program was about to show 2 racoons mating. Yikes! I watched with some reserve: It was terribly brief and not at all explicit - hell they barely touched. I felt cheated. I then realized why the narrator had apologized: Please don't build up my hopes, man!

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