getting away from hurtfull public speaking...

by arimatthewdavies 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • arimatthewdavies

    my name is ari matthew davies, I am a christian, I was baptised back in 1974 at a jehovahs wittnes convention.

    I am now 53 years old. I no longer go to a kingdom hall or publish written litterature. simply for the reason that

    I do not like any organization that has greater and lesser members and is under the control of any man or group of men.

    but today I am here to encourage every person that reads this post to stop nameing the faults of jehovahs wittneses,

    and any other religeion...thats not what we as christians are told by jesus christ to do....we are asked to bring people

    to a disipleship of the example of jesus,,,so vent your anger today and before the sun goes down forgive those who

    you are angry with, and start liveing for jesus kingdom..its a big wastefull shame to use your life that god gave you

    to speak or write words that cause hurt to a fellow human..useing the internet as a tool to publicly humiliate someone

    is not the way of jesus....lets use the internet instead to testify about good things and give worship to jehovah and

    emulate jesus! if you are a person that does not beleive in god or jesus, thats your choice. but let those that do beleive

    have their life and their goal! its not needed to tell your fellowman how much his beleifs offend you. if your offended by

    christians, jehovah,jesus or the holy spirit, then go and find a place that has something you like going on in it!

    hurtfull public speaking weakens this great country, and its constitution! if you happen to beleive in muhamed,budah,

    or another man or diety.why contribute to the chaos, hate and strife? go be around people that beleive what you beleive.

    if your atheist, or agnostic, use your time makeing money and help improve this countrys economy.

    if you beleive that humans evolved from lower lifeforms, than go out and help take care of the animals and the earth

    dont you care about helping to keep alive what generates life?

    ok enough said.quit hurting people and start encourageing them....

  • designs

    Not quite as simple as that Ari. When you are ready to discuss this further let us know.

  • cofty

    hurtfull public speaking weakens this great country, and its constitution!

    Why do Americans think its all about them? Your fearful retreat into fundamentalist superstitions is making your "great country" an object of ridicule. Get over yourself.

  • jam

    Christians , humm no hurtfull public speaking. Lets see, gays.


    Anything that's said on this forum about JWs pales in comparison to what JWs and the GB say and do regarding 'apostates' and 'worldly' people. Please think of all the ways the Watchtower Uses and abuses it's members and disfellowshipped folks. Any organization the promotes the shunning of family members needs to be exposed as the hurtful, manipulative cult it is.

  • LisaRose

    Who are you to tell others what to do or not do? I am not saying this in a negative way, but you presume when you tell others what is a good use of their time. I am not a believer, but I spend plenty of time making money and doing other things that benefits society, but there are a lot of hours in the day and television bores me. I also read two or three books a week, garden, sew, do collage, refinish furniture, make jewelry, volunteer, and teach others. I think if I want to spend time here it should be no concern of yours. I am very grateful other did before me, their postings helped me break free of the cult mind control of the JWs. If what I post here helps anyone, then it is not wasted time, nor is it a negative thing in my life.

    Work out your own salvation.

  • cofty

    if your atheist, or agnostic, use your time makeing money and help improve this countrys economy. if you beleive that humans evolved from lower lifeforms, than go out and help take care of the animals and the earth dont you care about helping to keep alive what generates life? - AMD

    I have spent thousands of hours over the past 19 years helping young people through sport. What have you done?

  • AlphaMan

    ok enough said.quit hurting people and start encourageing them....

    Sounds like good advise for the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    This is an interesting plea. I'm not familiar with your story, but it would caution you about painting people with such a broad brush.

    Although most of the people who post here on JWN are not in agreement with JW doctrine, I see only rare personal attacks or outbursts.

    There are a lot of people who have been injured by the policies of the Watchtower Society. Cut them some slack, and forgive them when they act like human beings.

    Perhaps you can give some specific example of the "hurtful public speaking" that is offending you, so it can be discussed. It really seems like a communication gap. I hope no one has attacked you with hurtful comments.

    From what I gather, Christians, ex-JW's and non-believers are all welcome to comment here. I find this discussion board is a good place to talk about the ways the WTS has really wrecked my family and so many others here.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I am a lawyer with expertise in const'l rights. The American const'n protects our speech from governmental intrusion. Speaking our minds and hearts is our very fabric as a country. Jesus and God are not in the Const'n. This is a private forum. Jesus and God are not protected here. Someday Americans will learn what their most basic documents relate.

    I don't think that today is that day, however. This forum is primarily used by English speakers. The WT cheapened God and Jesus for me. I suggest you write to If you google American First Amendment, you can read the text of the First Amendment.

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