Why Jehovah's Witnesses qualify as a Hate Group

by Watchtower-Free 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Watchtower-Free

    They use vile hate speech towards the victims of the cult who leave and speak out to warn others .

    Words like

    Haters of God
    Cook up wicked reasoning
    Season their brew with poisonous lies
    Deceive minds
    Partake of falsehoods at the table of demons
    Part of the seed of the serpent
    False to the truth
    Seek to draw away Christ’s disciples after themselves.
    They lie to authorities
    Mentally diseased
    Infect others with their disloyal teachings
    Their aim is to manipulate your mind
    Apostates are part of the Anti-Christ
    Apostates are unruly men
    Self-seeking heretics
    Satanic thinking



    Yep!! BTW, she is HOT!!! As long as she stops rapping.. Seriously, this is a great video. BUMP!!!


  • ILoveTTATT

    Kudos to Stephanie... Great vid!! I would lile her permission to translate her vid to Spanish (subtitle it) because this is great information.

    BTW she made me cry... I still haven't had a situation where I want my parent's support but don't have it (It's only been a couple of weeks), but I think that some day her experience will be similar to mine...

  • blondie

    In the US the definition of "hate speech" is not clearly defined yet. Here is some comments on it I found. It is a matter of balancing freedom of speech with hate speech. Have you run this phrases by a constitution lawyer? What constitutes hate speech varies from country to country as well.


  • EndofMysteries

    You forgot the recent assembly program.... http://www.jw.org/download/?output=html&pub=ca-pgm14&fileformat=EPUB%2CPDF%2CBRL%2CRTF%2CMOBI&alllangs=0&langwritten=E&txtCMSLang=E&isBible=0 "You must hate your enemy" aka those who are disfellowshipped or who leave the organization

  • EndofMysteries

    Listen, Obey, or be Shunned!

  • heavensgate11

    How about the hate speeches given here at the JWN community with such classics as:

    The GB Pedophiles

    Stupid cult

    Ignorant people

    Vile distributing people

    Blind to a cult

    Deceivers of the Truth



    Mindless cult

    Clueless cult

    Neurotic, anxious people

    Invisible and fictitious enemy the watchtower

    Satanic bogeyman

    I won’t make my list longer as it is pointless. However OUTLAW what was that about deception by omission you use. Why not help your friend here. The story started good, but ended one sided.



    someone or something that has been left out or excluded

    I have to be careful with words here. Only JWN Ex Witnesses are allowed to use profanity, anyone else not being part of this community gets deleted by biased administrators that get emailed about such violations of their own policy’s and ignore them for the good of their community.

    Yes great job proving your falsehood here at EX-Witness JWN. The shame should come to those that profess being Christians, going to their church all saintly only to return to this place to speak ill of other Christians, what a hypocrite.

    Carry On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    .....................................Who`s Eating at Satan`s Table?..


    ,,,.I`m waiting for the WBT$ GB.......................,,.....Satans Dinner Guests..


    .......................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Watchtower-Free
  • Watchtower-Free

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