Arguments to prove Noah's Ark story is just a myth

by will-be-apostate 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • will-be-apostate

    I've been thinking for a while about the topic mentioned in the title and came to the conclusion that the Flood story from the Bible provides a very good starting point for proving the Bible wrong.

    In the following paragraphs I'll be only presenting ideas and potentially logic errors, and possible answer. I didn't do any serious research yet, for in order to answer various questions a good base in specific branch of science is required.

    According to the Bible (the internet) the volume of the ark was 137.16 m * 22.86 m * 13.716 m = 43006 cubic meters (roughly). If we was to subtract the volume of the interior structure (elements like walls, stairs, etc.) we would get somewhat a smaller number, but let's be generous.

    There are 5490 mammal species, 9998 bird species, 9084 reptile species, 6433 amphibian species, 102,248 spider and scorpion species (See this link for a full list: ). I'm aware of the fact that many of those species already live in marine environment, moreover many of the rest would survive in water for a limited time. Then we didn't even count in the 1,000,000 species of insects.

    We could approximate how much volume that number of species occupied - not counting the insects - but the result would be arguable. Some need more then 4 m3 and some less then 1 m3. So the "43006 m3 = 43006/2 species" obvously doesn't work. Then again, I'm just asking questions.

    Then they also need food and drinking water for months. Maybe Jehovah disabled these needs so that they don't need any resources. The Bible doesn't say a thing about something like this. This leads me to the conclusion: the person who wrote down the story of the flood didn't think of these criterias. Moses didn't bear in mind that some day someone will question him and will try to prove him wrong. He obviosly had no idea about the large number of species that cannot survive in water and about the space they need for months. If he had had the knowledge he would have written a quite different story.

    Then how did the kangaroo manage to get from Mount Ararat to Australia? Maybe Jehovah used his magic power and teleported him. Moses didn't bother to smooth out this logic error in the script. It's not his fault for he didn't know such creatures existed.

    If the flood story shouldn't be meant literally then Adam and Eve and the snake shouldn't be as well.
    Either evolution is a true concept or the Bible is wrong.

    Anyway, I was just having these thoughts and I couldn't share them with my fellow elder brothers form the congration for they would want to eliminate me. I guess I wasn't scientific enaugh and I also apologize for grammar mistakes.

    I didn't talk about plants. I would like to know your opinions about this subject or if you could present an argument about plants that would be great.

    Thank you for reading :)

  • mynameislame

    What about the population of humans around the time of the flood?

    I don't know how accurate the estimates are but the site I found suggests there would have been between 15 and 20 million people on earth at that time.

  • cantleave

    Of course this is the classic site for refutation of the flood

  • bemused

    Here's a few:

    1. Where did all the water come from? There isn't enough water on earth to flood up to the top of mount Everest.

    2. Egyptian civilisation, for which there are detailed continuous historical records, pre-dates and post-dates the supposed flood.

    3. Why didn't all the fish die? Neither salt water nor freshwater fish would have survived in the dliuted saline solution resulting from the flood.

    4. How do you explain the diversity of human races (african, caucasian, aboriginal etc) in just a few thousand years? Human evolution isn't that quick.

  • Phizzy

    A great thread here by Billytheexbethelite " From Noah's Ark to Australia - Awake! Jan. 8, 1969 pp. 5-8 "

  • will-be-apostate

    Phizzy, thank you for the link. I've just read the thread and it's ridiculous how the wt uses the fact that continents some time ago were united to prove their point. However they happen to neglect a small detail: that scientists also say that continents were united millions of years ago. Does that also fit into the wt view? I don't think.

    Thank you for all the args and idea. I especially like the one which uses human races as a pivot. I'm gonna use it.

  • prologos

    The flood of Noah's day must have been like the "end of the world" events predicted by the WT writers in our time.

    "The World has ended !!!", but nobody noticed, as remarked by Carl Sagan.

    certainly the Egyptians did not notice, they just kept on building Pyramids, before, during, and after, with an undeminished manpower at that.

  • Tiktaalik

    Why didn't Noah swat those last two mosquitoes when he had the chance?

  • prologos

    or even just one, the female, because it is them that give the itch. tiktalick, good! No. 1 on my wish list too. It's the mosquito bite that made me question a benevolent and powerful god. BUT

    How about all the METHANE, natural GAS, sulphur compounds that all the notoriously FLATULENT vegetarian beasts emit, in that confined space? space that is emptied of fodder, but filled with the end product? mature manure? and

    there was no fan to hit with all that s-hit, or to evacuate the smell.

  • Lied2NoMore

    If the ark was floating in water as deep as highest point on earth it would have been like 35,000 feet up from land.

    If we suddenly could be elevated to that height the first breath we took would instantly freeze our lungs and you would be dead within a few minutes. Air temp at that height is in the -55 to -60 degree range.

    My figures are estimated but even anywhere close to that height and your quite dead quite quickly

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