Aren't Jehovah's Witnesses really standing in front of the LIGHT and blocking it?

by Terry 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    Folks are about as happy as they decide to be.

    Looking on the bright side of life gives you more of a foothold when things go awry. Nurturing hope builds a foundation for you which enables you to save for tomorrow and build toward the future and hang on when things get tough.

    People dig their own graves when they become pessimists. "Why bother" replaces "That's worth a try!"

    Progress becomes impossible to the person who doesn't see any point in improving things.

    Who am I talking about?

    JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, that's who!

    This is a religion of people who CAST A GIANT SHADOW over their own life and take away any reason for improving things.

    Jehovah's Witnesses fold their hands when it comes to progress or charity or social programs or education. The reason? They snatch the light out of real life leaving only darkness.

    Then, they peddle this dark view door to door and try to infect other people's lives with it.


    THE GLOOM, DARKNESS AND DOOM they are peddling door to door effectively STOPS people from doing anything to improve their family, their city, their nation and their future. It is the product Jehovah's Witnesses push incessantly.


    Think about it. All of their other prophesy has failed. The burden is on them to bring about a SELF-fulfilling prophecy by MAKING THE WORLD STOP getting better. They hide progress. They hide improvement. They deny goodness in others. In effect, they are COUNTERFEITING the fulfillment of their gloom and doom prophecy of End Times!

    If this world is getting better, then, logically JW's are wrong. Consequently, no improvements can be tolerated or attempted!

    In my lifetime there has been steady progress among the world population.

    I grew up in a world where women couldn't own property, have credit in their name or make decisions affecting their own lives. It was a world where black drinking fountains, lunch counters and hotel rooms were separated from whites. Black people where barely considered human.

    I grew up in a world where nuclear holocaust was an "any day now" proposition because of the cold war with the U.S.S.R.

    I grew up in a world where almost everybody smoked constantly. Elevators, movie theatres, department stores, restaurants--in the car with the children!!

    All the above things have changed FOR THE BETTER. Technology has improved life as well. Life expectancy has increased and replacement parts for failing organs can be obtained.

    The discourse between races is such that, although a hard core of naysayers still exist, the MAJORITY of young people think racism is deplorable.

    JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES would never praise humanity for any progress of this nature!

    The last hundred years of proclamations and "education work" done by JW's has consisted of constant PREDICTION OF THE END OF THE WORLD and the complete destruction of non-members.

    JW's have pulled out of the human race! The sealed themselves in their imaginary Ark a long time ago. The don't go to college or encourage their kids to get a higher education leading to financial security. They just sit in the darkness and hope for angels to murder their neighbors!

    No celebrations of birth, thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, anniversaries are allowed because happiness is not for them!

    Nothing that makes life worth living, celebrating or improving can be a part of their daily routines.

    They are stifled by a droning darkness of incessant repetition. They can only hope the next false prophecy really is "new light" since the old light burnt out their lives a long long time ago.

    The LIGHT is all around them, but, they don't see anything but shadows.

    The shadow is them.

    They are making it!

  • NeverKnew

    Very accurate!

    As an outsider, I'm baffled by the notion that things are horrible. People have lost their lives for the freedoms that some now have. To not give God praise for the blessing of life and instead complain that the era of birth isn't working out for them, to me, is an insult towards God.

  • mynameislame

    Very good analogy,

    That's why you don't run ahead of the light that is supposed to be leading the way for you.

    Hey why can't I see where I'm going?

  • Apognophos

    Well said, Terry.

    It's an oddly self-fulfilling prophecy. It starts off in many cases with a person who has anxiety about the state of the world. They then learn from a Witness that this was prophesied in the Bible and that things are going to continually get even worse. Eventually they have their life invested in Watchtower teachings and a paradise hope. At this point, it becomes frightening to think that they might be wrong. So they focus on the negatives in order to lessen the anxiety that they might not have the truth. Focusing on the negatives then increases their anxiety....

  • carla

    Doesn't Matthew 5:16 talk about not hiding your light? jw's not only do not allow their own members from seeing any light but they hide themselves away from society and family who believe differently therefore not showing any light (or goodness) they may have to others.

    I once asked an elder about shunning and how could his family he was shunning learn anything from his actions when they do not see him or speak to him? They could not even see his life as an example by which to live, how could they then improve on their life by his actions? crickets, deer in the headlights look, change the subject.

    You can show a jw that life has in fact improved and they just will not have it because it is not their fictional paradise earth. Jesus said there would always be problems and we would always have the poor with us but jw's don't like to listen to what Jesus actually said much. Their gods in NY are more tangible for them.

  • Imminent1975

    Excellent point of view Terry. Thanks!

  • smiddy

    Once again you have hit the nail on the head terry .


  • What is Truth?
    What is Truth?

    Wow, thank you for this post Terry. I am so glad to have thrown off their veil of darkness.

  • Fernando

    A few more puzzle pieces fell into place just then.

    Spot on.

    Thanks Terry.

  • losingit

    Thank you! So accurate :-)

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