ATMs in assembly halls

by Xanthippe 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ILoveTTATT
  • ILoveTTATT

    as promised... there is the picture... Contribution by CC or Debit Card in the Stanley Theater in Jersey City.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    I'm sure a five dollar donation is barely worth it with the transaction fees. So when it comes to the "widows mite" the Society would probably lose money. I wonder if there is a minimum donation when paying by card?

  • ShirleyW

    If my mom were still alive and the Dubs found out that the Catholic or any other religion installed ATM machines in their churches, I can here it now, "isn't that something how Christendom has placed ATM machines in their churches instead of passing the plate every Sunday, yada, yada yada. . . however, if she were still alive and heard that the Dubs installed ATMs she would say, "oh, what a lovely provision by the Elders and Jehovah if you don't have the correct amount of cash on you, you can just use your bank card" . . . makes me wanna puke!! And trust me, that's exactly what she and other UBERDUBS would say

  • Imminent1975

    I'm just waiting for them to make an app that will let witnesses just take a picture of their credit cards and fill in the donation. Oh, why take a photo, just fill in the number. OH, they already have that in Europe.. Sorrrrry.

    I think I will just take a photo of a one dollar bill and email it to the GB and let them know that they need to rely upon Jehover.

  • Xanthippe

    Hmm, who told you how much to give? I don't understand that. It sounds like you're blaming the Society for your own anxiety issues resulting in your trying to buy salvation. - Apognophos

    I can only think that in a thread about the Watchtower society installing donation ATM machines in its assembly halls, such a statement is intended to be ironic.

  • kurtbethel

    Make no mistake about it. The Watchtower runs a big financial shakedown while they criticize others for it.

    Watvhtower Jehovah's Witnesses governing body david splane money shakedown artist

  • kurtbethel

    The Watchtower speaks with a deceptive forked tongue. Here in their own words today they claim they don't take collections and that they have donation boxes.

    Our preaching work is primarily financed by voluntary donations from Jehovah’s Witnesses. No collections are taken at our meetings, and members are not required to tithe. (Matthew 10:7, 8) Instead, contribution boxes are provided in our meeting places so that if someone wishes to make a donation, he may do so. Donors remain anonymous.

    The reality is quite a lot different. They regularly hustle you for your bank accounts, real estate, stocks, insurance and other financial benefits. There is nothing anonymous about these financial assets. They lie deceptively to the public, giving the appearance of accepting anonymous loose change in a contribution box, while secretly shaking down established members for all the money they can get.

    Watvhtower Jehovah's Witnesses governing body david splane money shakedown artist

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