ATMs in assembly halls

by Xanthippe 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JustVisting

    Brainfloss, RE: maximum ATM contribution.

    These type of transactions are typically limited to $500 per transaction depending on your financial nstitution. They work just like any other debit card transaction.

  • WTWizard

    When I last went, they did not have those things at a$$emblies. But now, not having the cash on hand is not an excuse--just run up your credit card to the max or empty your savings account of money you were going to use for rent, electric, or whatever into the Worldwide Damnation Fund. Just more pressure to donate money you don't have or that you need for other things.

  • leaving_quietly

    @ emeth: the stories that blondie came up with are not relevant. Some of them are 30 - 40 years old.

    The Bible is much older than that. Just sayin'

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    emeth - You are still pushing this line 'So we are taught only to give what we can give and of what we have, and not to give if we dont have it or cant give because of other priorities.' As I said before - you are kidding yourself. As others have pointed out the WBTS has no qualms about guilting people into making donations, often sizable donations. They are no different from other religious organisations - the fact they don't pass around a plate is window dressing. An ATM to pay by credit or debit card is an electronic plate.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ Frazzled: "they don't pass around a plate is window dressing"


    So true....

    How about $10,000 a day to "rent" a mortgage-free WT Assembly Hall PLUS the elder's lunch-time meeting gift of another $5,000 to WT, then announcing the non-negotiable charges to be paid by all JWs in attendance? There is no option for JWs to not pay it. This is in addition to whatever JWs contribute at the ATM.


    With a system like that, how does emeth's comment, "So we are taught only to give what we can give" , have any basis in reality???

  • Vidiot

    Sparlock, deafsterbation videos, and Anthony Morris III's tight-pants-panic... ATMs/debit machines are just one more weird-ass idea to add to a already long, sad list of weird-ass ideas.

    They do seem to imply a certain level of quiet desperation, though; I must say.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Frazzled UBM: '...the fact that they don't pass around the plate....An ATM to pay by debit or credit card is an electronic plate.'

    Absolutely priceless!!!

  • Xanthippe

    Whatever happened to the widow's mite? Read your lovely new Bible, she gave two small coins - Mark 12: 41 - 44, Luke21:1-4. How can you compare putting a few coins in a contribution box with paying with a card at an ATM or at a credit card desk which they have in some European countries? The people who have said we don't use cash much in Europe any more, nonsense. I use coins all the time. Unbelievable, this religion is taking you for a ride and you can't see it.


    Its just a system of voluntary donations. If someone would like to give its possible.

    If another one dont want to give,.. no one will notice or know.. except the person itself and Jehovah.....Emeth

    ...........If We Are to Believe Emeth............................ No One Would Notice JW`s Donating ..

    Line Ups at ATM Machines Are Unheard Of....................Money At the WBT$ ATM Machine..


    ............................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW



    .........................The New JW Status Symbol...Donating at the WBT$ ATM Machine..

    ...................Now everyone within 100ft will know...You Donated Money to the WBT$!!..


    ...............I Donated Money to the WBT$............................JW`s Line Up to Send Us Money..

    ........Other JW`s Saw Me!..I have Witnesses!!............ We`re Raking in Cash,from WatchTards..


    .....................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

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