It's a good article but the title will turn off any JW from reading it.
New Article: Jehovah's Witnesses a Study in Hypocrisy
by daringhart13 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
JW GoneBad
daringhart13 this is one good observation:
However, for me it came down to one question that drew nothing but blank stares:
"If Jehovah's Witnesses can accept blood fractions from other people's blood....why can't we donate our blood for the same purpose?" In other words, Jehovah's Witnesses can take other peoples blood, but we can't share our's with them.
JWs' acceptance of blood fractions goes contrary to the principle of Revelation 18:4 that WT quotes to justify their having nothing to do with many of the world and its' religious customs and practices with the exception of blood fractions:
'And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if YOU do not want to share with her in her sins, and if YOU do not want to receive part of her plagues.'
Thank you a job well done.
JW GoneBad
WT knows that JWs accepting blood fractions but not accepting blood transfusions is the embodiment of hypocrisy. That's why for last couple of years WT has been silent on the subject.
The last part on the Service Meeting dealing with the subject of Advance Medical Directives, DPAs (Dual Power Of Attorney) and non-blood management was back in Jan 2012. January 2013 rolls around and no mention! January 2014 rolls around and no mention! What gives WT????
Why for over 2 years now have there not been any parts on the Service Meeting dealing with the past annual indoctrination of ...'Are You Ready For A Medical Emergency?"
Something I was thinking about today was all the people I thought were very "spiritual" who ended up being the biggest frauds in life. It hurt to see the people the Congregation said were "Good people" getting arrested for corruption. The Watchtower had us judging Christendom while we were suppose to ingore all the wickedness happening in the Organization. Who was not a hypocrite while trying to become justified by the Organization? I am trying to destroy all traces the Borg has inculcated in my mind, it's really hard removing decades of false teachings and shitty people out of your life. I think of people who were quick to accuse the weak members not living up to their expectations while they excused or down played the sins of immorality, disobedience and pathological lying their Shining Witnesses were guilty of. This religion is a breeding ground of hypocrisy and feeds a large population of people who want to tell everyone else how good they are, "if you don't believe how good I am, look at my Field Service Card!".
Nicely done!
I only had time to skim it as I'm busy getting my day started. I'll take a closer look later, but I love the tone and the overall presentation.
RottenRiley: if you want to get rid of JW mind think, stop using the word "inculcate". Just sayin, they use it all the time and I can not remember hearing or reading that word antwhere else. I know, it's hard after so many years of using catch phrases.
It is a good article on the religion, even though it is just scratching the surface. The hypocrisy in the religion goes so deep and the people there do many mental gymnastics to justify it. No wonder so many of them are on meds for depression. I never realized just how oppressive the religion was until I did a "fade". After a while, I felt that a load of bricks was removed from my back. So much for their "light, kindly yoke".
However, it was the unacceptable attitude towards women and responsible working people that really made me walk. I am just sorry I didn't do it ten years earlier. But, I am grateful it's OVER.
Just WoW ....excellent work Daringhart13, I remember waking-up
and having a hard time trying to find information.
This is an amazing eye opener, hitting so many 'sore spots'!
Thanks for putting this up here.
Thank you to all!!! Appreciate the feedback....
LongHairGal: the 'organization's' treatment is particularly disgusting.....I wrote an earlier blog on that: