A conversation with my JW mother ...

by Bella15 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bella15

    So, due to recent deaths in the family I have been talking with my mom lately. I try to say something here and there to make her go hmmmm ... So she made a comment about the millions now living will never die ...i said " wasn't that said about the 1914 generation, and we know how that went", meaning will not come true. She thinks for a moment and said...yeah there's something new writtten somewhere in one of the magazines, but she went hmmm for a split of a second there ..lol

    Another cooment she made about how god always have dealt through an organization to carry out his plans, israel, Moses, ET Al, I retorically asked her ,,, and did it work? we know it didn't. So she said, it worked once when Noah and his family was preserved, I rhetorically asked ...and did it really work. Not. The earth became filled with violence again. She was mute after that.

    Something I realized tonite is that she is waiting for the millennium to truly be emotionally healed, she thinks it is impossible to forgive completely, to be truly happy and have joy, I pointed out to the fact that Jesus died for us to have abundant life starting now not in the millennium, that the fruits of the spirit should be manifested now, she vehemently denies that one has the power to overcome a lot of stuff now because Jesus made it possible. I reminded her of FAITH, and she thinks that now we are just like practicing faith but that in the millennium faith will be perfect and then she will be able To do everything because little by little they will become perfect ... Omg ... It was depressing to hear that ... So I need to counteract that millennium or paradise mentality she has.

  • Crazyguy

    My daughters only 15 and already thinking that this life sucks and can't wait for the new system. Really blows how this cult will get people to blow off 70-80 years

  • sarahsmile

    Interesting how your mother thinks, "little by little"they will become perfect.Why would humans suffer a little imperfection until God makes them slowly perfect again.

    Do I understand her right, it sounds like evolution.

    Mind control is very hard to hear!

    Hope you can develop some kind of healthy boundaries with your JW relatives. What to talk about and what not to talk about.

  • Xanthippe

    That's really interesting Bella, so they are waiting for the new system to cure their heartaches and emotional pain as well as their physical ones. They are not trying to get emotionally well but waiting for Jesus to wave a wand. Something to think about there thanks. No wonder they all look as if they are on their knees and many are really old by sixty.

    You did well but I don't know what to suggest to counteract the paradise mentality. Perhaps suggest she get involved with some of the things that make you happy, lift your spirits?

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Two points to put to your mother, Bella:

    1) If God has always used an organization for His people, who was He using for over 1900 years, from 98 CE until 1919 CE?

    2) If Christ's RANSOM bought back what was lost in Eden, then what was lost in Eden must be provided INSTANTLY, not gradually, when the time comes. Adam & Eve were never going to GROW to physical perfection - they were made that way, so Christ's sacrifice will reinstate that condition, otherwise the ransom is NOT equal to what was lost!

  • Bella15

    YES,that's why I realized, my mother and 2 of my sister are sick with stress related illness, they all go to holistic doctors that diagnose people by looking in their eyes, another uses magnets, another feels and reads energy. The diagnosis for the 3 of them from 3 different doctors, it is all emotional stuff they carry for years. i told my mother what if you lived to be 90, you plan to be always sick emotionally then another 1,000 years? So what's the purpose of Jesus dying for us?

    I realized also that she doesn't know or believe that by faith she inherits the promises to Abraham. So all the promises she may read in the bible she doesn't make them hers. Just totally faithless, hopeless internal life. For her having faith means having the "truth", she exercise her faith by going to meetings, preaching DDT, etc

    She thinks that only in the paradise she will forget all the wrongs that people has done to her. I reminded her of the Lords Prayer ...forgive me just like I forgive others.... Mind you she will not forgive, she will forget everything because god will make sure she doesn't remember the past in the paradise.

    She thinks I have been able to overcome all the emotional bagagge because I have education and been exposed to other things in life ....lol.

  • DesirousOfChange

    YES, that's why I realized, my mother and 2 of my sister are sick with stress related illness, they all go to holistic doctors that diagnose people by looking in their eyes, another uses magnets, another feels and reads energy. The diagnosis for the 3 of them from 3 different doctors, it is all emotional stuff they carry for years.

    This kind of medical quackery has been spoken of in WT publications as just that -- quackery. JWs involved in this, do it "on the sly" and do not even publicize it among the other JWS (other than perhaps the other cooky JWs who also got caught up in the BS). Bet ya, it's some JW "witchdoctor". Search the CD-Library for that info if you think it would sway your mom (doubtful).

    There is a Sister that some in my mother's Cong consult who went into this "witch-doctory" business. The woman has no education other than "being mentored and learning under" another such JW Witchdoctor in Texas. She has quite a good business selling herbs, supplements, and "reading people's eyes".


  • Bella15

    Thank The Searcher .... I will use those points.

    Also not kidding I woke up in the middle of the night turned tv on landed on Christian channels and both were talking about faith and how Jesus told the people he cured, Your faith have made you well (something like that) ... That was exactly what I was talking with my mom, faith can do wonders and that knowledge is what have helped me, I really really live by faith, Jesus said even if our faith is the size of a mustard seed we can move mountains ,,,

    me being able to talk with my mother about JW stuff is the result of my faith, I stopped long ago trying to reason with my JW family and I just started to pray and have faith that God in due time would make things different. It is not a coincidence that my mom and my sisters are happily talking to me now ... The best testimony is how good and well they see me, they called me happy, complete, wholesome, they admired how intelligent, respectful, well mannered, clean and pretty, loving my teenagers are. Before they despised me, I was the crazy, rebel one. All thanks to Jesus that showed me The Father and gave me the Holy Spirit to help me in THIS life.

    my brotheir that went back to study with JWs stopped that, thanks God and is mentioning Jesus here and there ... and he yearns for the family to be united, he realized that it cannot be accomplished in that organiZation ... He went back right when they were calling apostates all sorts of names ... Lol ...that didnt help at all.

  • Bella15

    I found this commentary:

    "The devil has used the millenium teaching to rob Christians of their inheritance. Many of the scriptures that promise blessing or victory are assigned to the millenium. This prevents us from claiming them now, robbing us of what God has for us."

    This is what I saw in my mother and sisters, they feel powerless ... perhaps it is only them ...

    Also, they attach Satan with so much power, that this world belongs to him, that he is the ruler, and I told my mother that Jesus defeated Satan, that this is the age of Holy Spirit, that the whole earth and everything belongs to God, that Jesus has been given power over all NOW and he in turn has given us power, the same power that resurrected him ...

    Further, i noticed how they constantly say they are imperfect in this imperfect world ... how awful things are in the world. I told her that murder was not news that God warned Cain about what he was about to do and God didn't stop that first murder ... theyhave this fixation with murder and war ...things that God even taught people how to do it ... so I told her there is a big mistery in all this God/creation stuff

    Lots of reference to being obedient, and servants ... there is no power in them ... all has been given to that CORPORATION..

    Funny that I have actually forgotten that these are things the JW really believe, it feels so foreign to me to hear that I don't have power (spiritually speaking).

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    "preaching DDT"

    You know, for a split second I was very happy about the prospect of DDT being the abbreviation for door-to-door. Then I realized that it should be DTD. "Preaching DDT" would have made a hell of a good JW DIS.

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