"Higher Education" Follow Up

by XBEHERE 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    here here out4good3

  • Oubliette

    out4good3: I am 9 weeks from finishing my masters degree.

    Congrats! Living well is the best revenge!

  • mynameislame


    I will say, the Mormons prove that going to school won't shake you from your cult like beliefs. But in my opinion they aren't any better than the JWs and may be worse because they have the money to aggressively pursue their agendas. Anyone who thinks the JWs stance on gays is bad should take a look at the “8: The Mormon Proposition” documentary.

    Any group where members kill themselves based on the actions\teachings of the church is dangerous. That includes any religion making a member feel so bad about who they are that they commit suicide.

    I know this thread isn't about the mormons but I couln't let that comment pass without adding my 2 cents.

  • AlphaMan

    Amazing that here in 2014 people still accept this crap and threats from the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. The hypocrites would never admit to being anti-education if they were asked by a news reporter in an interview.


    They don't want JWs reading the tractazines and seeing that the GB used "evolution" when they should have used "abiogenesis."


  • sir82

    Our latest CO visit, a month or 2 ago, he did not mention anything at all like that.

    Maybe it is a "local needs" kind of thing. The kids in our congregation are generally not the brightest and wouldn't have much prospect of attending a university anyway.

  • inbetween

    no mention during our last visit either,

    we have some going to University in our hall, nobody really cares much about it though, as long as they report their time regularly...

  • DesirousOfChange

    The hypocrites would never admit to being anti-education if they were asked by a news reporter in an interview.

    Of course not. They all receive the "greatest education" on earth.


  • Da.Furious

    Apologies for not introducing myslef - when the time allows, i will do so.

    The interesting point about higher education is how it is viewed in different countries – from congregation/organisation point of view.

    I have been around several places and was able to identify that in developed countries, university or higher education is basically allowing your children to sit on Satans table – totally wrong, frowned upon and lose privileges if you are a father.

    On the contrary in developing countries, if you do not have a university degree basically you can’t live, university degree is ok but not going further like masters or PHD since this is considered as focusing on secular jobs and materialism.

    Even though the letters are the same but I don’t think they are enforced the same everywhere.

    Da Furious

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    They are not enforced the same everywhere. In more affluent neighborhoods the JW's go to college. It is not frowned upon. It is viewed necessary so they can support themselves and their congregation. Sounds like something Jehovah wants for al of us.

    The bible doesnt say what type of work you need to do nor not to be educated. It just says still be kind and know the crowd you are dealing with so you can relate to them and not make people feel left out.

    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch, Rudyard Kipling

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