Some Musings

by Farkel 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    Kick ass, Farkel!


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • unclebruce

    What ya do'n TR?

    Moon'n the bloke or asking for kinky sexual favors? LOL.

    easily cornfused unc.

    Unseen Rural Apostate Directorate Incorporated Leaders of Demonic Ostralia - Tathra Division

  • AlanF

    Now I know why you called me yesterday! Wishin' yerself a happy birthday! And you didn't even tell me!

    Hippy pappy bithuthirdy, Farkel!


  • sf


    My posts seem to bring dicks up and out, what can I say.

    I doubt Doug's Dick has far to go to see the light of day, but we'll see about that. In due time! hahaha

    I love you and miss you and am glad you are in this thread.

    How's the famdamily? {{{{{hugs to all}}}}}

    Love, sKallyWagger

  • chester


    I always enjoy reading your posts. I would very much like to meet you someday.

    Happy Birthday!

  • Dogpatch

    wow Farkel,
    You have really been through a lot. My guess is that it has made you strong in several ways not before felt. At any rate, I'm glad you are doing better.

    Net Soup!

  • unclebruce

    Skallywagger you disgust me!!

    (good thing i like being disgusted) Aren't we supposed to be nice to bro farkel on his birthday? .. is that so hard? tell ya what, you stick a candle in his bum and i'll light it... BLOW THAT OUT mr farkelmeister! (shit, i'm starting to disgust myself now lol) Farkel forgive me for i have singed.

    cheers beach babes, self amusing unc.

  • AGuest

    Well, well, well! Unkle Wizard de Brunkcle...

    Where you been? (and yes, I have a 'right' to ask, Rev dear...) and peace to you! (Okay, okay... calm down, Rev... NO pun intended, so don't EVEN 'go there - LOL!

    (Ya see, folks, I KNOW 'bout dear Unkle Toto... uh, Unkle Bruise... uh, Bruce's... er, shall we say 'nasty' wit... him and da Farkelmeanster... two blokes who WILL 'go there', as you can see... so, seein' as we "ain't in Kansas anymore"... but in Oz... and, well, I've lernt how some o' them wizards o' Oz and Farkelmunchkins can *get* (watch out, ladies!)... as well as how to 'run' wit them big... uh, ummm... well, heck... 'dogs'...)

    Yep, I'm older'n a lot 'o folks here, Unk... a LOT older! (Well, okay, not a LOT older... YOU still got me beat...)

    BUT... I am still a 'babe' (oh! REALLY no pun intended there - LOL!) in Christ. Just ask all the 'mature' folks and old fogey-types 'round here who think believing in anything other than what you can see... is "for kids" (you know, like that wise-'old'-sage-yet-still-quite-young-whipper-snapper, Naeb... uh, er... (sorry, Naeb, couldn't resist... no offense intended... just messin 'wit Unk...)

    Peace to you, Uncle Rev, dahlink... truly!

    The cyber-wife, on her own... and gettin' 'high' 'wit a little help from her 'friends', Unk and the Daddy-O...


  • LDH
    Then Gedanken put out a cry-for-help for me and a whole BUNCH of people helped me out.

    Well, Farkel dude, either you didn't get my emails or you were just too overwhelmed to respond. I asked you a couple of times by email to send me your addy so I could send you some...stuff. This was while you were going through your rough time.

    Now I see you were depressed. I'm glad you're better and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you.

    And since you and Shel are just up the road, I may come up within the next couple of weeks to see you before she moves.


  • plmkrzy


    Nice Post enjoyed reading it.


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