"Worldly" Friends vs "True" Friends

by DuvanMuvan 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • DuvanMuvan

    Hey guys I am new to the whole forum thing (long time reader, first time postererer) and I wanted to get some other opinions on something that has bothered me ever since I first became a Jehovah's Witness.

    I was always taught at the Kingdom Hall that friends inside the orginisation were the only ones I could count on and that the ones out of it (mainly at school) were just being controlled by satan to trick me into leaving the religion.

    However, I always found it to be the opposite. My "Worldly"friends were all accepting of my religion (back when I was ok with being a jw) and are the only ones I have really opened up to about wanting to leave. The only things I have in common with the other teenagers in my hall (3 boys, 3 girls) are that we've all been raised in the truth and... well that's it.

    I was just wondering if anyone else found the same thing when they were a teenaged jw or if anyone still in my age finds the same thing.



    Worldly people are just pretending to be your friend. They do this so that you will fornicate with them. This makes Satan happy and Jehovah sad. Real friends love you enough to DF you. LOL!!!

    Why do want to leave the Christazionojudaism of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society inc????

  • DuvanMuvan

    Lol Data-dog i think I remember once in a publication about "young ones" (because teenagers is too much of a worldly word) they said something about how it was easy for jw kids to be popular at school due to their good biblical qualities or something like that and how we need to resist and choose our associations wisely.

    But to be fair. I don't think I can count the number of times a girl's given me that look after I told her that god was gonna kill her at Arrmagedon ;)

  • mynameislame

    yup, after leaving I realized that even my best JW friend wasn't much of a friend in real life.

    He was a very good JW i.e. he was very good at codeming people for doing the same stuff he did then decided it was wrong.

    And the JWs I looked down on for being weak were probably more sincere than the "mature" witnesses.

    Very sad that I had to give up people I had stuff in common with to hang out with JWs.

  • DuvanMuvan

    another thing is that the other teenagers in the kh are just as "bad" as the worldly ones

  • Xanthippe

    Hi and welcome DuvanMuvan. It's a long time since I was a teenage JW but my daughter is a teenager and she's at uni now. She has many friends and when she describes the things they do I notice they are incredibly tolerant.

    She is an atheist and so are most of her friends but she has one friend who is a devout Christian and although they argue they have remained friends for years. He goes on Christian camps for weeks in the summer but nobody tries to stop him.

    Another friend is gay and he was accepted at school, he is a very friendly and popular person. She has friends of different nationalities too. I think teenagers are very tolerant of one another unless they are taught not to be. Sure she's fallen out with some people and there have been rows and personality differences but she moves on and makes new friends, everyone does.

  • Finkelstein

    The thought is that non-JWS are evil and worldly in being controlled by Satan, but JWs are good

    wholesome and spiritually righteous people, therefore making their association much more important and beneficial.

    Of course this pretentious assertion is not the Truth at all.

    I was forced to associate with the PO's son who lived close by and he was the most misbehaved, evil kid in the neighborhood .

    Since we were pushed together by the religion I really didn't have much choice in the matter, in spite of me knowing how

    badly behaved a kid he was. I think most of his misbehaver that came out of him was the persevering notion that

    people who were not JWs were to be abused and disrespected.

    I remember him creating his own game of spitting on people as he rode his bike back and forth to school,

    those dirty worldlies were going to die soon anyways.

  • DuvanMuvan

    It's also kind of a unfair for them to generalise 99.9% of the human population as being as evil when the majority are tolerant of their beliefs then when someone doesn't agree with them they pull the old "oh Lordy we're so persecuted, everyone is out to get us!!!" card

    i don't see them refusing to associate with newcomers at the meetings.

    luckily for me I wasn't really "born-in" but my mum became a jw while I was younger and I along with her. By that time I had already watched all the Disney channel specials on how no to be a judgemental a-hole to peel you haven't even bothered to get to know

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    When you distance youself from JW thinking you come to see life is not so black and white as you were taught to believe. People are people . Some people have good character traits ,and some don't ....it has nothing to do with what religion they belong to, or if they are religious at all.

    There are some very nice people that are JW's ,but they are ultimately controlled by an organization that is expecting exclusive devotion . Many teenagers are trying to find their individuality at that age ,but it is so hard when the religion is constantly telling them to fit into a pre-determined mold .It becomes frustrating as they want to try out new things ....these teens are not 'bad' or 'good' they are just individuals trying to figure out life .

    I spent 44 yrs as a Witness .After all that time I was told my Witness 'friends' were my 'true ' friends ...this was a lie . Most of those people were only my friend so long as I believed exactly as they did ,and did exactly as they did .That is called conditional friendship and is not authentic. I began to realize this about two years before i actually faded from the congregation .

    I now have made friends with many non-witness people ,and have found we can have differing religious ,political,ect.views ,and still be great friends . Diversity is awesome and interesting .

    Here are a couple of examples I can share that happened to me personally :

    My Mother ,was a Witness for over 50 yrs ,had heart surgery and then suffered a major stroke that left her in a coma and hospitalized for three months . During that time my JW sister in law came to the hospital one time during the actual surgery . In fact none of my so called JW "friends" came to support me emotionally during that whole time . Yet at work my non Witness workmates gave me hugs ,asked to pray for my Mom ,and showed they cared . When my Mom came out of the coma I asked a JW friend if she would come by and see her ,because she was asking about her ...this witness told me she was aux. pioneering that month and had not made her time yet .She was very put off that I would even ask her ! That was a pivotal moment for me . Another awakening moment for me was that my Dissassociated Brother was so loving ,and such a support during this time ,yet I had been told for years to limit contact with him because he was now a 'Worldly" individual .

    Compare that with my experience a few yrs later when I had been faded for a couple of years ,and i had to have surgery myself . My new friends knew I was scared ,and without even asking they came to the hospital for support . One friend even slept next to my hospital bed all night just to make sure I was out of danger ! (This one kindness has made the biggest impression on me in my whole life .) When I got home these new friends that i have known less than three yrs were bringing over meals ,cleaning my home ,and genuinely just showing concern for my well-being . I did not have to ask for this support ,they just knew from the heart what was needed and followed through .

    So in my experience 'worldly' friends have been my true friends in the long run . Of course as I stated in the beginning it is the character of the person that matters ,surround yourself with genuine caring .loving ,honest hearted people ,and you can't go wrong .

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Welcome, DuvanMuvan!

    I have never been a JW myself, so I wanted to give you my perspective as a "worldly." I have a fairly high opinion of JW's, as people. The ones I have known throughout the years, have always been very easy to get along with.

    Unfortunately, it wasn't until I decided to stop being a Bible Student, that I realized the friendship only went one way.

    I found it disappointing, that they advertise family happiness and a better, more peaceful life. The opposite seems to be the case. My family is now a statistic, divided by a terrible lie.

    I can forgive and have compassion for people who are trapped in this religion. What I find most difficult to understand, is why JW's do not believe in making peace.

    True followers of Christ are not afraid to forgive and love.

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