Israel ... Jehovah ... The Promised Land ... Genocide

by wannabefree 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wannabefree

    And Perry ... Really? Comments like this ...

    For many ex-JWs, once they have eliminated the only authority that they have ever recognized [the WT], what's left? Just themselves. The vacuum is filled. In their minds, they are the only authority that matters.

    So this brings us to people like Blondie, Cofty, and Shirley who cannot bring themselves to accept the Merriam Webster definition of God. How could they? This goes against their indoctrination.

    I don't know, but I would just call that plain un-Christian. That is a pretty black and white statement against these people.

  • cofty

    Perry you are making the same mistake that many theists made in the tsunami thread. It is not necessary for a skeptic to show that your god is evil by some objective, external standard. We only have to show that he is evil by his own revealed standards.

    I showed that, by reference to Jesus, and ADCMS has done the same using god's own words in the OT.

    Your god is condemned by his own words and you are justifying infanticide and genocide in a vain attempt to excuse him.

  • Comatose

    Bookmarking for Coftys post 11222.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Based on your previous comment which I'll post below, which you have yet to defend, Perry, I'll also conclude you are pro-abortion in addition to being pro-genocide, pro-child sacrifice, anti-mercy, anti-humanity:


    Perry: "All men die, it makes no real difference if God decides some should die a little sooner or later for that matter to suit his purposes. But what about babies some may say? Maybe God did them a favor by removing them before they sinned".

    Question: with a god like yours, who needs enemies?

  • bobld

    My POV.God is the father of the human family and is a deadbeat dad.Would a father in his right mind treat his offspring unequally.Would he educate one and not the other.Would he use one family member to kill (murder) another family member.A father would be unjust if he gave one child a gift w/o giving an equal gift to the others.We can see GOD giving unfair preferential to one person at the expense of another.We know that children are influenced by their father.Children learn by watching parents.(more later)

    Now imgine you are the NBC evening news anchor.Here is your script for the latest world news headlines.Holy war against Midian:Men,women,children killed,cities burning.War against the Amalekites:Men,women,children.babies,cattle,sheep,camela,donkeys killed.

    This just in, King David makes love to Bathsheba Uriah's wife,he then kills Uriah.King David takes an unlawful cenus resulting in 70,000 deaths.

    You know when we hear in the news of a parent killing a child(baby) it tears our hearts.Not one person would say that is ok ,yet there are those who say it is ok if god does it.Sad sad sad.

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