Did They Tell You?

by Atlantis 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Atlantis

    D id they tell you they were taking care of the brothers and sisters in need in other countries? .

    Did they tell you that your contributions were being used for disaster relief? .

    Did they tell you that your contributions were being used for humanitarian assistance? .

    What if you found out that a Christian Organization of Christendom were actually the ones helping your brothers and sisters in the faith? Wouldn't you then wonder where your contributions went that you sent for humanitarian need?
    The 2001, Watchtower January 15, p.29 states:
    "The answer is no. The Pennsylvania corporation is not the only legal entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses. There are others. One is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Incorporated. It facilitates our work in the United States. Jehovah’s blessing has clearly been upon that corporation, though its directors and officers have been mainly of the “other sheep.” The International Bible Students Association is used in Britain. Other legal entities are used to promote Kingdom interests in other lands. All of them harmoniously assist and have a role to play in getting the good news preached earth wide. No matter where they are located or who serve as directors or officers, these entities are theocratically guided and used by the Governing Body. Hence, such entities have assigned tasks to perform in furthering Kingdom interests."
    Church Partnerships


    MAF=Mission Aviation Fellowship


    MAF= Mission Aviation Fellowship is a Christian Organization whose mission is to fly light aircraft in developing countries so that people in isolated areas receive the help they need. Originally started in 1946, MAF now operates from bases in more than countries; today MAF flys to more than 3000 airstrips bringing hope and provision to the world’s poorest people. .
    And who is benefiting from the MAF Christian Organization? Scroll down here:

    . Organisations MAF serves in Uganda:

    • ACROSS
    • Africa Development & Emergency Organizations
    • ALARM
    • AIC
    • AGURU (Commercial)
    • ARC
    • AVSI
    • AMREF (African Medical and Research Foundation)
    • Baptist Mission
    • British High Commission
    • CARE (Sudan)
    • Catholic Church
    • Caritas Switzerland
    • Catholic Relief Services(CRS)
    • Chemanics (CRS)
    • CHF International
    • Child Care International
    • Christian Blind Mission
    • Christian Brothers
    • Church Mission Society
    • Church of Christ
    • Church of God World Mission
    • Church of Uganda
    • Church World Service
    • Camboni Missionaries/Fathers/Sisters
    • Diocese of Lui, Mundri
    • Compassion International Concern Worldwide
    • COOPI (Italian NGO for Malnutrition/Children)
    • COWI (consulting engineers & planners Ltd)
    • DANIDA
    • Dan Church Aid
    • Department for International Development (DFID)
    • Episcopal Church of Sudan (ECS)
    • Equipping Ministry International
    • German Agricultural Action
    • European Union
    • Evangelical Lutheran Church
    • Far Reaching Ministries
    • German Leprosy Relief Association (GLRA)
    • Government of Uganda
    • Halo Trust
    • GOAL
    • GTZ (German Technical Assistance)
    • International Aid Services
    • Human Rights/ Danida
    • International Bible Students Association
    • International Church for Development Co-operation
    • ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross)
    • IRC (International Rescue Committee)

    . . Is the Watchtower so poor that they can not afford a plane to assist their own people?

    . Vulcan

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    In Linköping we have a group of beggers from lithuania, or some place...my little boy of nine never spends money.... last month it was snowing this girl was sitting outside the shop, so cold and i thought so fragile, as the snow fell, i asked Orlando do you want to buy sweets or give the money to her. He gave to her...a few weeks later same question and he bought sweets. I asked WHY? Orlando said he saw her once get in to a car and drive away....

    Yes charity, and emotions its a sad world seeing where the money goes...its sad even charity shops the big percentage go to the Directors,not the needy...uggggg

  • KateWild

    Interesting. Thanks Atlantis. Kate xx

  • Bobcat

    It would be interesting to know in what way the MAF serves the IBSA. A specific example would be nice to be able to toss around in a conversation.

  • cantleave

    What a great catch!

  • designs

    I think there was an article posted some time back about the Society taking funds from United Way. Its the sucking sound...

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    It is the ultimate hypocrisy how WT condemns this world's religious and governmental institutions as "wicked", "opposed to god", "controlled by Satan", yet WT has no problem taking a handout from these same entities when it means a free lunch.


    WT will never fly planes anywhere to help people of other religions. In fact, WT is looking forward to the obliteration at Armageddon of these very same people they are taking aid from.

  • gingerbread

    How many of the active members that you've known rely on government disability, public assistance, government health insurance, etc in order to make it through the last days of "this dying system"?

    If it's like my part of the country ... a LOT !

    We've heard for years how this system of things makes life so difficult for Jehovah's faithful...and we're SOOO persecuted.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ Ginger....yes, i always loved it when someone was on disability but Pioneering (in the old days, when it was 90 hours a month). It seemed to me if a person could get in and out of a car 50 times a day and walk door to door all month, they should be able to hold down a job with no problem.

  • quellycatface

    There was an "annointed" brother who was a pioneer in my ex-KH, living in social housing, getting government disability, a disability car and his wife was also swinging the lead as his "carer." Always free loading food off people etc.... The only disability I saw this brother have was a serious fat belly.

    It did'nt help that he kept chocolate and sweets in his briefcase "for his diabetes", apparently. He was a curry-swilling trogoladite, if you ask me.

    They Witlesses are the biggest bunch of hypocrites, far superior to the Pharisees.

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