Anglican school phobia

by Frazzled UBM 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    FRAZZLED - Get your wife to have a look at the link below (supplied by Atlantis) regarding a Christian outreach organization, and scroll down to the list of orgs they work with. Under the letter 'I' she will see International Bible Students Association!

  • nugget

    As a parent I would look at the Ofsted report for the school as the key deciding factor not it's denomination. In the UK Cof E schools may hold religious assemblies and plays with christian themes but generally the focus is on ethics and principles.

    My children both attended Cof E schools and although there were some activities they could not participate in the school was very helpful about offering alternatives. I worked closely with the school to ensure I was available to sit with my children if needed and found that this helped to ease communication whilst we were still witnesses.

    If the school is 2 doors away how fantastic is that, no having to deal with parking and waiting, no mad rush in the morning to account for journey times. As a mum that would be awesome I spend an average of 1hour per day on the school run.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    I tried to talk to may wife this morning to point out to her that she can't stonewall me inconversations and that we need to be able to talk through issues so I can understand her better and vice versa. She refused point blank. she does nto want to have converfsatiosn with me other than on the most mundane basis. She is clearly scared that I will say something to tirgger her doubts phobia and otehrwise cause her cognitive dissonance. I explained that I understood this and was trying not do that and that we needed to find a way to have discussions without her going intop meltdown mode. She was not interested in playing ball. I am so pissed off.

  • KateWild

    Ahh fraz,

    I am so sorry talking to your JW wife didn't pan out how you would have liked it. I hope thinkgs are better tonight when you get in. Kate xx

  • barry

    I went to bible study last night and our study conductor mentioned that he new of an Anglican school that had a buddist teacher that was very dogmatic about his beliefs. He would engage the class by challenging them that if they are christian they are on the wrong track. Maybe your wife should be more concerned with the buddists.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    barry - that's bizarre - it may that it was just the way his words were interpreted through twisted lens of a JW brain...maybe he simply asked the question: 'As a Christian how do you know you are on the right track?'

  • barry

    Frazzled, The study conductor is Anglican this is at an Anglican meeting. I used to go to the SDAs and they have the same problem at their schools and universities teachers teaching evolution etc

  • jgnat

    Justifiably so Frazzled.

    I'm out of ideas.

  • jgnat

    I have an idea, but it's risky. How about booking (without her knowlege) a shepherding session at the Kingdom Hall? Ask for the topic to be approved conversation with the Unbelieving Mate? Then tell her. She'll fall in line because of the elders. I can even prime you to the advice they will stick to. It's all in the Secret of Family Happiness book. The problem is your wife is going "beyond what is written" and is causing unnecessary strife in your home. She is also not showing due deference to your headship.

    You can prep by reading the Secret relevent chapters, and come up with a list of appropriate topics of conversation between husband and wife. Go through the list with the elders for approval/non-approval. They may chicken out and tell you it is up to you to apply the general principles yourselves. If so, go through the list with your wife right there. See if she behaves better under supervision she respects. If the elders have any salt in them at all, they will conclude with a suggestion that all would be solved if you would become a study. Mildly decline their offer, LOL.

    This is risky because she is already neck deep in cultic thinking and this could push her deeper rather than shake her in to reasonableness.

  • Apognophos

    The way I see it, if the wife is refusing to communicate and speak her mind, then that means the husband should just make the decision. If she feels strongly enough about it, then she will say something. Why be over-sensitive to this issue of hers?

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