I am having trouble believing in God...

by thedepressedsoul 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thedepressedsoul

    I was raised a JW and I am still one but recently I have been having trouble believing in a god. This is not meant to offend anyone who does, I am just curious to see if I am the only one who thinks this....

    To start, I am a very black and white person. If 1+1=2 it makes sense to me and I can agree with it. It's when 1+1=4 or 10 that doesn't make sense, that I start to question. Here is what I have trouble in, in regards to believing a god exists.

    1. God, the smartest being in the world used a written text as the best way to "communicate" with humans. Not just communicate, but give a way of life that must be lived if you want to have any hope for the future.

    2. This best way to communicate can be translated wrong. Not only translated wrong, but can be interoperated 10,000 different ways by 10,000 different individuals.

    3. This goes even further. This best way of communication that can be translated wrong and interoperated wrong wants you to only worship him one way. This communication device that created thousands of religions wants you to find the correct one out of all the other thousands of "wrong" ones. If you do not find this 1 correct one out of the thousands of wrong ones based off of a text god gave as a communication device, you will be destroyed.

    Am I the only one who sees a major flaw in all of this? How is there any logic behind that? There are literally 10,000 different religions based off of the bible who all feel in their heart that they are serving god and doing what is right. How can that same god who provided this text withdrawal eternal hope because a person did not find a true path when so many exist?

    Again, I am not trying to offend anyone who believes in a God but it just doesn't add up in my head.

  • Laika

    You raise some good points, but if I may offer a little pushback I'd like to point out that I think you're looking at religion through a very JW framework. Very few of the 'religions' (really, denominations) that have been built around the bible insist anywhere as close as dogmatically as the JWs that you must agree with them on every point in order to be saved.

    There's no logic behind it which is why you'll find few people think that way outside of the JWs.

    Edit: And welcome to the board. :)

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    drop by drop, little drops of rain...take your time and dont be a fraid but most here are ex witnesses. Some still believe in God some dont.

  • jgnat

    So what things do you really believe in?

  • thedepressedsoul

    jgnat - I'm not sure. I can't look at all the earth has and spac and think that it simply came to be. That doesn't make sense either. If I believed that god has always existed why can't I believe that life has always existed?

  • thedepressedsoul

    Laika - I understand what you are trying to say but what is the point in providing a book that has laws, principles and guidelines if they weren't meant to be followed. What is the point of a religion if it isn't around god's word unless they do not believe in the bible? You'd have to believe in a different god then the one of the bible.

  • marmot

    Welcome aboard! I was a born-in too (and a real zealous one at that) until I started having doubts in my twenties about the silliness of the WT's literal interpretation of the biblical flood account and the general unpleasantness of the homicidal Old Testament God.

    It was a long journey but now I'm a happy and fulfilled atheist.

  • marmot

    A really good couple of books for you to consider would be "Who Wrote the Bible?" by Richard Eliot Friedman and "The Bible Unearthed" by Neil Asher Silberman.

  • thedepressedsoul

    marmot, sometimes I wonder if that is what I am at heart. I can't say I was born in a zealous family. I'm what you would have called a "B-School" family. I have become more spiritual then my family ever was.

  • whathappened

    I had some of your issues also. I downloaded the free book "The Atheist Book of Bible Stories." I also went you You Tube and searched "Atheist Humor." I spent hours watching the animated videos. You learn how ridiculous the Bible is in a fun environment. I don't need anymore convincing. I joined a secular meetup group and really enjoy our get togethers.

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