Calling Someone an Apostate Is No Different than calling Someone the N word?

by WhoYourDaddy 49 Replies latest members adult

  • mynameislame

    I agree, to some degree at least. The big difference the power behind the people using it.

    When the Jdubs say apostate they are most likely using it with the same derision as somone who uses the N word.

    But for most of us it does not affect us in our daily lives so it has no real power.

    The N word, on the other hand, is often used by people with some level of control over black people. Somone that uses that word could very well be in a position to deny them a job, a place to live, good service at a restuant etc.....

    Now ask someone who has lost their family because of being labeled an apostate and see how they feel about it.

  • RagingBull

    I'd love to be at a meeting and tell a brother " 'POSTATE PLEEEEASE!"

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    The very fact that you use the word apostate and can't even bring yourself to spell the N word says a lot. Don't even try to make a comparison

  • LisaRose

    Equivalent to the N word? I don't know, the word apostate simply means one's who have left a religion and speaks out against it. Jehovah's Witnesses who were originally another religion are apostate to their former religion. But the Watchtower use of the term seems to indicate an evil person who schemes to destroy the faith of true Christians against their will. All JWs fear and loath apostates. I only wish I had that much power.

    But, yes, I am an apostate, and proud of it.

  • cantleave

    Another "Proud Apostate" here.

  • jam

    I don't know about the rest of the states but here

    in California the Hispanic guys call each other "My N.

    I'm 67 years old and I hate that word even when it is used

    by blacks. Any word that is derogatory towards any race is

    inexcusable to day.

    Apostate, I'm fine with that because that is what I am. I speak

    against Jehovah's earthly organization and proud to be called one.

  • love2Bworldly

    RagingBull-- that's really funny! Make me crack up. I like being called an Apostate, it makes the Witlesses sound even sillier than they are.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Apostate in general terms should be a badge of honor. B. Spinoza and A. Einstein were certainly apostates because they decided to think outside of a very restrictive box. We ended up with a great philosopher and the greatest physicist of all times. Likewise in the context of JW, apostate manly means that you dissent from the Governing Body's dogma. Why is that a bad thing? I wish I could be called an apostate, but I never got baptized. Oh well, wait on Jehovah and he will provide.

  • Snoozy

    Even tho I know it's definition, when a JW says 'Apostate,' it just sounds so nasty

  • WhoYourDaddy

    Calling someone apostate is condescending, bullying, and viscious. It's the first step in psychological stoning. jw's should hold themselves to the same standard that they judge others but you and i know that will never happen.

    Apostate for me has a hologram, circus, connotation to it. I didn't grow up with the term but i can see how it could be really damaging if you gave your life to this POS cult.

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