Dear Heavenly father....your memory sucks.

by refiners fire 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hey RF:

    As defense counsel for YHWH, I must point out that Moses was also a decendant of Abraham, and as such, had God made a great nation out of Moses, he technically would still have been keeping his promise ... so it appears here that it is Moses who forgot his own ancestry --- unless he really was Pharoh's son afterall, and not a Jew.

    Your other point about YHWH's memory, well, he is working on that one and will get back to you after he gets around to remembering where the hell left the vowels between the consonents of his name, YHWH. Funny, a God who wants to vindicate a name that he cannot remember how to pronounce.

  • berylblue
    If God condemns fornication,and polygamy now why did he condone it then

    I was told it was so that the Hebrew population could continue to grow. Is that true?

    Didn't Jesus say something like, "because of your hardheartedness, Moses allowed you to have multiple wives, but that was not the way it was in the beginning"???

    I'm not questioning you, RF, I'm questioning myself.


  • Blue

    When Christ returns-Will there be ANY faith???

  • LittleToe

    I think it was more along the lines of an argument against divorce, than polygamy, but there ya go

    Even Paul's admonition only extended to Elders and Deacons being monogomous.

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