Qualifications for Elders & MS

by snakeface 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tech49

    I have served as an elder in 4 different congregations. All of the previous comments are true...I have seen them in action. Some might seem extreme or unbelievable, but not to worry, they ALL exist.

    Towards the end of my "tenure", and one integral part of my decision to turn in my badge, I noticed several very disturbing trends. In order for a brother to be recommended, the following "extra" qualifications were required.

    1. Field Service (as previously mentioned) time had to be "noticeable". The other elders had to see you out, with your assigned group, on Saturday, or no appointment. Period. You spent extra time on RBC programs?, sorry. Not enough actual time in FS with your group. Try again later. Your young kids sucked the life out of you and your wife and your averages fluctuated? Sorry, denied. Your wife was in the hospital for a week, or had a baby along the way? Sorry, she could have "witnessed" in the hospital. Poor hour count, Denied.

    2. You had to explain what your Family Study Program was, what nite you held it on, and how often you missed, and what your plans were if your family missed it for the week. No joke there. Saw several not recommended on this facet alone. This was also something that was expected of current serving elders, that they go over what their program was, every time the CO came around. Big group discussion, person to person confessional. It was painful, and downright humiliating for those who didnt keep up, many lied through their teeth, like the "shepherding program" conversations....What business is it of yours what I do with my family, and since when did a Family Study Program become a qualification?

    3. Kiss ass until your lips bleed. Its all in who you know. Holy Spirit has nothing to do with appointments. Several examples that come right to mind to illustrate:

    One brother I knew was a great speaker, averaged 25 hrs/month in FS, lots of HONEST placements, was very outgoing, gregarious, and liked by all, but never appointed as an MS. After a few CO visits, I asked why not??? He certainly met the qualifications. Answer: We dont like him too much, and besides, he did get a divorce 10 years ago, and his df'd then reinstated ex in another state doesnt think he should ever be appointed. Yep, that's it. (facepalm)

    Another brother, son of the COBE, fast tracked as an MS, then BAM, recommended as an elder. Several of us didnt think he qualified (he was a pompous ass, and his wife was just as snooty, and couldnt even be bothered to be on the Ministry School), but that didnt seem to matter, as soon as the CO came around, there were lots of "private" conversations, and the next thing you know, his name is on the letter that the CO sends to the Branch. Didnt matter what half the body of elders said.

    Another brother, currently an elder. Mid 30's. Wife is mid 20's. She is the most obnoxious, immature moron I have ever met. Lazy, fat, and just plain DUMB. No seriously. NO ONE respects her, and I have absolutely NO idea how any body of elders ever appointed him, based on her "contributions" to the marriage. (no wait, I do know. Her daddy is a "heavy elder" in her hometown). Stereotypical elder's wife she is NOT. He is a nice enough guy, but straight from flippin burgers to an elder??? Come on already, this fellow couldnt find his ass with both hands, if he had a helper!

    Lastly, another brother I know worked for the COBE. He was a low-hour publisher, so was his wife, his kids were monsters. He accompanied the COBE to RBC projects frequently, probably to get away from his raging family life. Sure enough, next CO visit, BAM, straight on thru. Low hours??? Oh, no worries brothers, he is a fine example to the congregation, as he puts so much effort into RBC projects, and besides, he is a GREAT worker! Yes, his family is a trainwreck, but I am sure he will get them in line soon!

    I have many more experiences I could tell, but you get the point.

    IDIOTS, all.

    Jack Harper, Tech49

  • NewYork44M

    What art the qualifications for elder/M.S.

    I think we have all forgotten the most important qualification. Those with internal sexual organs need not apply. You need your procreative powers to reside outside your body. In other words - no penis - no go as an elder or MS.

    I say this from experience. I can remember sitting through painful elders' meetings and thinking that the ONLY reason some of these idiots were here is because they have a penis. I might add, this was not confirmed, atleast by me.

  • NewYork44M

    I also can confirm the political nature of recommendations. Also, the recommendations were, in some cases racially motivated.

  • Crazyguy

    I know a man that did not want any babies but his wife ended up pregnant anyway and had a girl. He told his wife that she would have to raise it and pay for it because he wasnt. He is also not very bright cuts firewood for a living and is basically and poor as can be. Very bad speaker and no personality. Anyway he got appointed an elder a couple years after the baby was born.

  • fastJehu

    To make one point clear:

    WT doesn't say, MS & Elders are appointed direct by holy spirit. There chain of reasoning:

    ---> Bible was written under the guidance of the holy spirit.

    ---> So the scriptural requirements for men (recommended for congregational responsibility) were written under the guidance of holy spirit.

    ---> For this, they (men) MUST meet the biblical requirements for appointment.

    ---> THEN it can be said of them, that they have been appointed by holy spirit.

    *** w13 11/15 p. 22 par. 6 Obey Jehovah’s Shepherds ***
    6 When addressing the overseers of the first-century congregation in Ephesus, the apostle Paul pointed out that holy spirit had appointed them overseers “to shepherd the congregation of God.” (Acts 20:28) The same is true of Christian overseers today, since they too are appointed on the basis of Scriptural requirements inspired by the holy spirit.

    *** bt chap. 5 pp. 42-43 par. 20 “We Must Obey God as Ruler” ***
    Jehovah’s people today follow the apostolic pattern. Men recommended for congregational responsibility must manifest godly wisdom and give evidence that the holy spirit is operating on them. Under the direction of the Governing Body, men who meet the Scriptural requirements are appointed to serve as elders or ministerial servants in the congregations. (1 Tim. 3:1-9, 12, 13) Those who meet the qualifications can be said to have been appointed by holy spirit.

    *** cl chap. 16 p. 165 par. 19 “Exercise Justice” in Walking With God ***
    19 Elders are often called upon to make decisions that affect their fellow believers. For example, elders periodically meet to consider whether other brothers in the congregation qualify to be recommended as elders or ministerial servants. The elders know the importance of being impartial. They let God’s requirements for such appointments guide them in making decisions, not relying on mere personal feelings. They thus act “without prejudgment, doing nothing according to a biased leaning.”—1 Timothy 5:21.

  • DesirousOfChange

    JEHU: WT doesn't say, MS & Elders are appointed direct by holy spirit.

    Sorry, Jehu, but I think they talk out of both sides of their mouth on this subject. When they want the sheeple to give blind obedience to the Leaders they do refer to them as "appointed by Holy Spirit". Decisions of Judicial Committees are directed by Holy Spirit, thus the Cong should uphold those decision without questioning it.

    They like it both ways.


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