One mom, half a dad, and at least three friends lost... But at least 4 lives "saved" from WT mind control... 400 to go

by ILoveTTATT 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Watchtower-Free
  • ILoveTTATT

    One of my cousins (and it crushes me really when I know their intelligence... My IQ is in the 130's... His must be in the 140's easily)...

    He did a drive-by-shooting... He preemptively sent me a message... So blind...

    Siento mucho tu decisión de alejarte de las únicas personas que de verdad te aman y se preocupan por ti. Sos inteligente... Pero por creerte muy inteligente, vas a descubrir que lo que a ti te ha parecido libertad e iluminación no son más que oscuridad y esclavitud. Espero que algún día volvás.

    I lament your decision of distancing yourself from the only people who truly love you and worry about you. You are intelligent... But because you believe you are too smart, you will discover that what to you has seemed like liberty and enlightenment are more than darkness and slavery. I hope you come back some day.

    Well... I say exactly the same to him... except I am right... Truly this religion is Orwellian.

  • ILoveTTATT

    Oh and before I could even answer he blocked me.

    My gf (now ex... ish) had to unfriend me. Most who are awake will unfriend me anyways, to remain on the "safe side".

    My dad is extremely stressed by my mom's bullying.... So much so that he said he was going to limit contact with me to minimize the stress. I asked him to promise me he wouldn't ever let himself be indoctrinated again. He promised. I just hope he keeps it. I don't mind him pretending to be a JW, I mind him becoming a JW drone again.

  • jgnat

    The more intelligent we are, the better we are at making excuses for inconsistency. Intelligence is no protection from self-deception.

  • LostGeneration

    This is the normal cult reaction. Most will simply reject your message immediately, but they can't "un-know" what you have told them. It may take years or even decades, but some will think about what you have said in the future and get out of the cult when they are ready.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi ILoveTTATT, Go out and make unconditional non-JW friends, love, and enjoy life. Just update you FB page with what you are doing to maintain contact with all your JW friends and family. Your living a successfuly and fun life may cause doubts in others.

    I would not be suprised if your mother softens in a few years, especially if you get married and start having grand-children.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I am sorry to hear things have gotten worse with your family. I have been following your journey since you came on but I haven't been on much lately so I need to catch up with your situation. Most of us understand what you are going through and it takes a lot of courrage to stand up for what is the truth and to say no to a distructive cult. Hang in there. You are young and have so much going for you. I know it hurts to lose most of the people you love. It sure is an up and down adventure that is for sure!

  • ILoveTTATT

    508 friends yesterday... 500 today... such a loving org!!

  • Miss.Fit

    Hang in there. It sounds like you are making a new life for yourself. Sorry about your mom and half a dad.

  • ILoveTTATT

    I found out that one of my best friends had been a closet apostate for years!! She knew about Hassan and ttatt and everything!! It is AWESOME because now I have someone else I know and trust in my network of friends, and we can try to help our other friends together!!

    Also, if anyone dares to talk to me, in the conversation I will throw in before they block me. Some day, they might visit the site.

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